c - 从链表中删除一个节点

标签 c linked-list


struct num // list 1
        char *val;
        struct num *next;

我已经向该列表添加了 4 个项目,我希望能够删除第三个项目并返回包含现在 3 个项目的新列表。到目前为止我所尝试的一切都不起作用,我想是因为在删除其中一项后我没有正确链接剩余的项目。


struct num1 *temp;
    temp = head;

struct num1* deletend(int del){
    for ( int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
            if (i == del){
            temp = temp->next;
    return temp;



typedef struct num numNode;  // typedef to escape repeated struct num

numNode* delete_item(numNode* startNode, int position)
    int pos = 0;
    numNode* current = NULL;
    numNode* prev = NULL;

    if ((start == NULL) || (position == 0)) // if empty list or 0th item deletion, return the list as it is
        return start;
    else if (position == 1)    // if delete first item,
        current = start;       // this node to be deleted
        start = start->next;   // Set start to the next item

        free current;
        current = NULL;        // delete the node

        return start;
        prev = start;           // this will mark the previous node
        current = prev->next;   // this will mark the current node
        pos = 2;                // position 0, 1 taken care of

    while ((current != NULL))
        if (pos == position)    
            prev->next = current->next;  
            free current;
            current = NULL;

    return start;

关于c - 从链表中删除一个节点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20272446/


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