C 将数据/结构传递给另一个函数并返回结构的引用

标签 c

  1. 如何在函数中返回 TITLE* 和 LEN* 类型的引用
  2. 如何将填充结构从一个函数传递到另一个函数(通过 main)


TITLE *part_struct(char *line);
LEN *lenght(TITLE *title);

int main(){
      char line[]="Thomas,Bukurest";
      part_struct(line);      //this function must return reference on type TITLE*
      //when is structure filled with data I need to pass them to another function
      lenght(title);     //this does not compile and should return reference on type LEN*
      return 0;

typedef struct title {
      char* city;
      char* name;

typedef struct len {
      int x;
      int y;

TITLE *part_struct(char *line){           //this line must stay as it is
      TITLE *title = (TITLE*)malloc(sizeof(TITLE));
      char* buffer;
      char copy[20];
      buffer = strtok (copy,",");
      title->name=(char*) malloc(sizeof (char)*(strlen(buffer)));
      buffer = strtok (NULL, ",");
      title->city=(char*) malloc(sizeof (char)*(strlen(buffer)));
      return level;  //I am not sure if I am returning it as reference on type TITLE*

LEN *lenght(TITLE *title){     //this line must stay as it is
      LEN *len = (LEN*)malloc(sizeof(LEN));
      return len;


如何在函数中返回 TITLE* 和 LEN* 类型的引用。

TITLE *part_struct(char *line) {           //this line must stay as it is
   TITLE *title = (TITLE*)malloc(sizeof(TITLE));


LEN *lenght(TITLE *title){     //this line must stay as it is
   LEN *len = (LEN*)malloc(sizeof(LEN));


如何将填充结构从一个函数传递到另一个函数(通过 main)

int main(){
   char line[]="Thomas,Bukurest";
   TITLE *title = NULL;
   LEN   *len = NULL;

   title=part_struct(line);      //this function must return reference on type TITLE*
   //when is structure filled with data I need to pass them to another function
   len = lenght(title); //does not compile and should return reference on type LEN*
   return 0;   

关于C 将数据/结构传递给另一个函数并返回结构的引用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23187276/


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