C 编程数据结构用户输入无法初始化结构类型 Visual Studio

标签 c visual-studio data-structures

在我的 .h 文件中,

typedef struct {
int month;
int day;

typedef struct {
char courseName[30];
char assignName[30];
int points;
Date duedate;

下面的内容位于 .c 文件中

int main(int argc, char argv[]) {

QuePtr priority_hw;
NodePtr FrontNode;
priority_hw = initQueue(10);

    char UserInput1[30], UserInput2[20];
int UserInput3, UserInput4, UserInput5;

printf("Please enter 1st Course name \n");
scanf("%s", &UserInput1);
printf("Please enter 1st Assignment name \n");
scanf("%s", &UserInput2);
printf("Please enter 1st Assignment's points  \n");
scanf("%d", &UserInput3);
printf("Please enter 1st Assignment's duedate month  \n");
scanf("%d", &UserInput4);
printf("Please enter 1st Assignment's duedate day  \n");
scanf("%d", &UserInput5);

printf("Entered Name: %s\n", UserInput1);
printf("Entered Website:%s", UserInput2);

Date duedate1 = { UserInput4, UserInput5 };
QueData assignment1 = { UserInput1, UserInput2, UserInput3, duedate1 };

但是在tasking1的初始化中, duedate1 下出现了红线。它说它不能用“日期”替换字符类型,我将其定义为具有日期和月份字段的结构。但正如您在 .h 文件中看到的,QueData 结构的第四个字段是“日期”。尽管如此,为什么它要求 char ? 我试过了

    QueData assignment1 = { UserInput1, UserInput2, UserInput3, {UserInput4, UserInput5} }; 



QueData assignment1 = { "calc1", "hw5", 10, { 1, 11 } }; 



通常,像 "abc" 这样的字符串文字被视为指向 char 的指针。例如,以下代码将字符串文字视为指针

char *str = "hello";
printf( "%s\n", str );  // prints hello followed by a newline

但是,如果使用字符串文字来初始化字符数组,则根据 C11 规范

An array of character type may be initialized by a character string literal or UTF−8 string literal, optionally enclosed in braces. Successive bytes of the string literal (including the terminating null character if there is room or if the array is of unknown size) initialize the elements of the array.


char str[6] = "hello";

会将字符串 "hello" 的字符(后跟 '\0')放入数组中。


char str1[6] = "hello";
char str2[6] = str1;    // this is NOT allowed


char str1[6] = "hello";
char str2[6];
strcpy( str2, str1 );


Date duedate1 = { UserInput4, UserInput5 };
QueData assignment1 = { "", "", UserInput3, duedate1 };
strcpy( assignment1.courseName, UserInput1 );
strcpy( assignment1.assignName, UserInput2 );

关于C 编程数据结构用户输入无法初始化结构类型 Visual Studio,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29245244/


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