在 C 中创建 Set ADT 时无法删除重复值

标签 c set abstract-data-type

我尝试使用动态数组在 C 中创建一个简单的 Set 抽象数据类型,只是为了学习目的。我实现了一个名为 buildSet() 的函数,该函数将结构 Set 作为参数,即要导入的元素数 n,后跟 n 个元素参数。我的问题是,正如我们从数学中知道的那样,我不应该允许重复的值。但我的代码无法通过这个要求。我实现了 Set 结构,没有错误,但是当我打印我的集合时,我发现存在重复项。



Set S;
buildSet(&S, 6, 5, 20, 2, 3, -8, -8);
for (int i = 0; i < S.size; ++i) {
    printf("%d ", S.elems[i]);


5 20 2 3 -8


5 20 2 3 -8 -8


typedef struct {
    int *elems; /* Array contains our set elements. */
    size_t size; /* Number of elements exist in set. */
    long maxSize; /* Maximum allowed number of elements in set. */
    long sum; /* Sum of all elements in set. */
    int *min; /* The minimum element in set. */
    int *max; /* The maximum element in set. */
} Set;


 * Creates a set structure S 
 * with n elements x1,x2, x3,….
void buildSet(Set *S, size_t n, ...);

 * Checks whether the value x is in the set S.
int isElementOfSet(Set *S, int x);


void buildSet(Set *S, size_t n, ...) {
     * Pass each argument, representing a set element,
     * from our variadic function to variadic list.
    va_list setElems; 

     * Get the number of elements we want to pass
     * to our set.
    va_start(setElems, n);

     * The number of elements in set structure.
     S->size = 0;

     * Using this function we don't restrict ourselves
     * of using any number of elements for our set, so
     * we "unset" maxSize member.
     S->maxSize = -1;

     * We initialize the sum counter. This will
     * allow us to get the sum using sumOfSet()
     * in O(1) time.
     S->sum = 0;

     * Allocates memory for our set.
    S->elems = malloc(sizeof(int)*(S->size));

     * Pass each set element, to our set
     * and update the sum counter.
    int elem;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        elem = va_arg(setElems, int);
        if (!isElementOfSet(S, elem)) {
            S->elems = realloc(S->elems, sizeof(int)*(S->size));
            S->elems[(S->size)-1] = elem;

            S->sum += elem;

     * Frees the variadic list.

int isElementOfSet(Set *S, int x) {
     * We use binary search in our array-set
     * to find if x belongs to S.
    int middle, left = 0, right = (S->size)-1;
    while (left < right) {
        middle = (left + right)/2;
        if (S->elems[middle] == x) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            if (S->elems[middle] > x) {
                right = middle - 1;
            } else {
                left = middle + 1;

    return 0;


您已在方法 isElementOfSet 中使用了二分搜索。 <强> Binary Search 仅当数组的元素已排序时才能应用于该数组。我没有看到您在任何地方应用了某种排序。因此,我建议您将方法 isElementOfSet 更改为线性搜索。

int isElementOfSet(Set *S, int x) {

    int i;
    for(i = 0;i < S->size;++i)
     if(S->elems[i] == x)
       return 1;
    return 0;

关于在 C 中创建 Set ADT 时无法删除重复值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42458556/


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