c - %ms 和 %s scanf 之间的区别

标签 c gcc glibc scanf

阅读 scanf 手册时我遇到了这一行:

An optional 'm' character. This is used with string conversions (%s, %c, %[),



C 标准在 scanf() 中没有定义这样的可选字符。格式。

GNU lib C 确实定义了一个可选的 a这样指示(来自 scanf 的手册页):

An optional a character. This is used with string conversions, and relieves the caller of the need to allocate a corresponding buffer to hold the input: instead, scanf() allocates a buffer of sufficient size, and assigns the address of this buffer to the corresponding pointer argument, which should be a pointer to a char * variable (this variable does not need to be initialized before the call).

The caller should subsequently free this buffer when it is no longer required. This is a GNU extension; C99 employs the a character as a conversion specifier (and it can also be used as such in the GNU implementation).


The a modifier is not available if the program is compiled with gcc -std=c99 or gcc -D_ISOC99_SOURCE (unless _GNU_SOURCE is also specified), in which case the a is interpreted as a specifier for floating-point numbers (see above).

Since version 2.7, glibc also provides the m modifier for the same purpose as the a modifier. The m modifier has the following advantages:

  • It may also be applied to %c conversion specifiers (e.g., %3mc).

  • It avoids ambiguity with respect to the %a floating-point conversion specifier (and is unaffected by gcc -std=c99 etc.)

  • It is specified in the upcoming revision of the POSIX.1 standard.

在线 Linux 手册页 http://linux.die.net/man/3/scanf仅将此选项记录为:

An optional 'm' character. This is used with string conversions (%s, %c, %[), and relieves the caller of the need to allocate a corresponding buffer to hold the input: instead, scanf() allocates a buffer of sufficient size, and assigns the address of this buffer to the corresponding pointer argument, which should be a pointer to a char * variable (this variable does not need to be initialized before the call). The caller should subsequently free(3) this buffer when it is no longer required.

Posix 标准在其 POSIX.1-2008 版本中记录了此扩展(请参阅 http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/fscanf.html ):

The %c, %s, and %[ conversion specifiers shall accept an optional assignment-allocation character m, which shall cause a memory buffer to be allocated to hold the string converted including a terminating null character. In such a case, the argument corresponding to the conversion specifier should be a reference to a pointer variable that will receive a pointer to the allocated buffer. The system shall allocate a buffer as if malloc() had been called. The application shall be responsible for freeing the memory after usage. If there is insufficient memory to allocate a buffer, the function shall set errno to [ENOMEM] and a conversion error shall result. If the function returns EOF, any memory successfully allocated for parameters using assignment-allocation character m by this call shall be freed before the function returns.


char *p;
scanf("%ms", &p);

导致scanf从标准输入解析单词并分配足够的内存来存储其字符以及终止 '\0' 。指向已分配数组的指针将存储到p中。和scanf()将返回1 ,除非无法从 stdin 读取非空白字符.

其他系统完全有可能使用 m对于类似的语义或完全不同的东西。非标准扩展是不可移植的,在标准方法麻烦、不切实际或完全不可能的情况下,应该非常小心地使用,并记录下来。

请注意,使用 scanf() 的标准版本确实不可能解析任意大小的单词。 :

您可以解析具有最大大小的单词,并且应指定在'\0'之前存储的最大字符数。 :

char buffer[20];
scanf("%19s", buffer);


char buffer[20];
scanf("%s", buffer); // potential undefined behavior,
                     // that could be exploited by an attacker.

关于c - %ms 和 %s scanf 之间的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43237996/


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