c - Strlwr 函数 - 在 xcode 9.2 中出现错误

标签 c string function



我已经添加了#include <string.h>在标题中,但它仍然不起作用。我该如何解决这个问题?


int main (void)
    char *user_string, *user_string_rev;
    /* the malloc function is used to make sure that enough memory is allocated for the string and that it does not overwrite memory boxes of other variables. */
    user_string= (char*)malloc(BUFF_SIZE*sizeof(char));
    user_string_rev= (char*)malloc(BUFF_SIZE*sizeof(char));
    printf("Please enter a string:");
    fgets(user_string,BUFF_SIZE, stdin); /* fgets function take the string the user inputs and stores it into user_string. */
    user_string_rev=strcpy(user_string_rev, user_string); /*the strcpy takes the string the user inputs and copies it to user_string_rev. */
    palindrome_check(user_string,user_string_rev); /*this is the palindrome function used to check if the two strings are palindromes, it intakes two arguments, the two strings and does not return anything. */
    return 0;





int i = 0;
while (user_string_rev[i])
    if (isalpha(user_string_rev[i]))
        user_string_rev[i] |= 32;

不要忘记在 .c 文件顶部添加 ctype header 以使用 isalpha:

#include <ctype.h>

关于c - Strlwr 函数 - 在 xcode 9.2 中出现错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48490108/


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