c - 使用 pthreads 添加两个 vector 而不使用全局 sum 变量

标签 c multithreading pthreads

我正在尝试使用 C 中的 pthread 来计算两个 vector a 和 b 的总和。我得到了一个以顺序形式计算总和的函数,另一个以并行形式计算总和。我的程序工作正常,但当有多个线程时计算不同的总和。我已经在关键区域使用了正确的线程同步,但仍然看不出哪里出了问题。我在第一个线程上得到了正确的答案,因为只有一个线程在执行这项工作,然后我在多个线程上得到了错误的答案。这是我的代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

// type for value of vector element
typedef short value_t;
// type for vector dimension / indices
typedef long index_t;
// function type to combine two values
typedef value_t (*function_t)(const value_t x, const value_t y);
// struct to store the respective values of the vectors a,b and c
typedef struct{
    index_t start;
    index_t end;
    value_t *arr;
    value_t *brr;
    value_t *crr;
    value_t *part_sum;
    pthread_mutex_t *mutex;

// function to combine two values
value_t add(const value_t x, const value_t y) {
  return ((x+y)*(x-y)) % ((int)x+1) +27;

// function to initialize the vectors a,b and c
void vectorInit(index_t n, value_t a[n], value_t b[n], value_t c[n]) {

  for(index_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
    a[i] = (value_t)(2*i);
    b[i] = (value_t)(n-i);
    c[i] = 0;

// function to count the sum of two variables sequentially
value_t vectorOperation(index_t n, value_t a[n], value_t b[n], value_t c[n], function_t f) {

  value_t sum = 0;

  for(index_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
    sum += (c[i] = f(a[i], b[i]));

  return sum;
/* Thread function */
void* vector_sum(void* arg)
    arg_struct *param = (arg_struct*)arg;
    for(index_t i= param->start; i<param->end; i++)
        *param->part_sum += vectorOperation(i,param->arr,param->brr,param->crr,add);
    index_t n = param->end - param->start;
    // Each thread uses the vectorOperation function to calculate the sum sequentially(Also the critical area)
    *param->part_sum = *param->part_sum + vectorOperation(n,param->arr,param->brr,param->crr,add);
    //*param->part_sum += vectorOperation(param->end-param->start,param->arr,param->brr,param->crr,add);


// Sum of two vectors in parallel. 
value_t vectorOperationParallel(index_t n, value_t a[n], value_t b[n], value_t c[n], function_t f, int p) {

  value_t sum = 0;

    pthread_t threads[p];
    arg_struct thread_args[p];
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    index_t div = (n+p-1)/p;

      for(int i=0; i<p; i++)
        thread_args[i].start = i*div;
        thread_args[i].end = (i+1)*div;
        thread_args[i].arr = a;
        thread_args[i].brr = b;
        thread_args[i].crr = c;
          for(int j =0; j<div; j++)
          thread_args[i].arr[j] = a[thread_args[i].start+j];
          thread_args[i].brr[j] = b[thread_args[i].start+j];
          thread_args[i].crr[j] = c[thread_args[i].start+j];

        thread_args[i].part_sum = &sum;
        thread_args[i].mutex = &mutex;
        pthread_create(&threads[i],NULL,vector_sum, (void*)&thread_args[i]);

    for(int i=0; i<p; i++)
  return sum;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // check for correct argument count
  if (argc != 3)
      printf ("usage: %s vector_size n_threads\n", argv[0]);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  // get arguments
  // vector size
  index_t n = (index_t)atol (argv[1]);
  // number of threads
  int p = atoi (argv[2]);
  // check for plausible values
  if((p < 1) || (p > 1000)) {
      printf("illegal number of threads\n");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  // allocate memory
  value_t *a = malloc(n * sizeof(*a));
  value_t *b = malloc(n * sizeof(*b));
  value_t *c = malloc(n * sizeof(*c));
  if((a == NULL) || (b == NULL) || (c == NULL)) {
    printf("no more memory\n");

  // initialize vectors a,b,c
  vectorInit(n, a, b, c);

  // work on vectors sequentially
  value_t c1sum = vectorOperation(n, a, b, c, add);

  // work on vectors parallel for all thread counts from 1 to p
  for(int thr=1; thr<= p; thr++) {
    // do operation
    value_t c2sum = vectorOperationParallel(n, a, b, c, add, thr);

    // check result
    if(c1sum != c2sum) {
      printf("!!! error: vector results are not identical !!!\nsum1=%ld, sum2=%ld\n", (long)c1sum, (long)c2sum);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
        printf("The results are equal: sum1=%ld, sum2=%ld\n",(long)c1sum, (long)c2sum);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;






pthread_mutex_init in a loop is probably a bad idea

您计算index_t div = (elements_in_vector + num_of_threads - 1)/num_of_threads; 然后使用 div * num_of_threads 来分布元素。这样您就可以尝试访问比可用元素更多的元素。


index_t div = (elements_in_vector + num_of_threads - 1) / num_of_threads;
//(13 * 5 - 1) / 5 = 3
thread_args[i].end = (i + 1) * div; // for the last i ( = 2)
//(2 + 1) * 5 = 15

一旦你访问i >= 13,你就会得到垃圾值(未定义的行为)



您只需要所有值总和的互斥体,因为您在线程中传递的每个数组都有专用内存。如果您不在所有线程中使用 sum 变量,您甚至可以将原始数组的指针传递给没有互斥锁的线程。因为每个添加都是自包含的并且不会访问另一个添加的内存,所以不需要互斥体。



关于c - 使用 pthreads 添加两个 vector 而不使用全局 sum 变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50058928/


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