c - 以结构化方法实现队列

标签 c queue structure


    bool Enqueque(int** queue, int* front, int* rear, int* nElements, int* capacity, 
                  int userInput)

        //if there is no more space in the Queue
        if( *nElements == *capacity )
            //update the capacity
            *capacity = *nElements * 2;

            //asked OS for more memory
            int* growQueue = (int*)malloc( (*capacity) * sizeof(int) );

            //error checking
            if(growQueue == NULL)
                return false;

            //take all the elements from the original queue and put into the bigger queue  
            for(int i = 0; i<*nElements; i++)
                growQueue[i] = (*queue)[i];
            *queue = growQueue;

            (*queue)[*nElements] = userInput;


        //if there is space in the queue
        else if(*nElements+1 > *capacity)
            //if queue is empty
             if(front == NULL)
                //front and rear are both pointers to the same element

                //These two lines are giving warnings
                //QueueLibrary.c:42:19: warning: assignment makes pointer from //integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
  //           front = (*queue)[0];
//QueueLibrary.c:43:18: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a //cast [-Wint-conversion]
             //rear = (*queue)[0];
                front = (*queue)[0];
                rear = (*queue)[0];

                (*queue)[0] = userInput;
                return true;

             else if(*nElements >= 1)
                 //move the userInput into the next available spot behind the 
                 //element after rear. 

//QueueLibrary.c:54:24: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size //[-Wpointer-to-int-cast]

              (*queue)[ (int)rear+1 ] = userInput;
                 (*queue)[ rear+1 ] = userInput;

//Array subscript is not an integer
                 rear = (*queue)[ rear+1 ];
                 return true;


您必须记住,使用array[index]对数组进行索引相当于操作*(array + index)。那么让我们看看您当前正在做什么以及为什么它是错误的。

你有变量int **queue,它是一个指向int的指针。您想要提取前面并将其放入变量 int *front 中。您当前的方法是:

int *front = (*queue)[0];


int *front = *((*queue) + 0)

第一个(*queue)取消引用queue并产生一个int *。然后将 0 添加到 int * 中,生成相同的值,然后取消引用它。取消引用 int * 会产生什么结果?

提示:您不应直接使用 foo = barint *foo 分配给 int bar .

继续讨论其他问题,数组下标必须是整数。查看 int * back 的类型应该可以清楚为什么执行 array[rear] 会发出警告。

如果int *rear应该指向队列的尾部,为什么不直接使用它作为指针,而不是尝试用它来索引队列呢? :)

关于c - 以结构化方法实现队列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52680528/


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