c - 将重复出现的相邻字符替换为其他字符

标签 c



我想到使用数组来存储每个字符,并使用索引i遍历数组,检查是否arr[i] = arr[i+1]="* ",然后简单地替换它。



我明白你在问什么。在您的情况下,如果您有 "**",您希望将这 2 个字符替换为 'A'。这很容易做到。您只需循环遍历输入的每个字符,延迟对序列的评估,直到读取了 2 个字符为止(只需在循环结束时将 current 保存为 last 并使用 last 作为标志就足够了)

然后,如果current == lastlast == find字符,则替换序列并获取下一个输入字符,否则,仅输出last 字符。

一个简短的示例,它将要find的序列字符作为第一个参数(如果未提供参数,则使用'*')和repl 字符作为第二个参数(如果未提供参数,则使用 'A')将是:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    int c,                                  /* current char */
        find = argc > 1 ? *argv[1] : '*',   /* sequential char to find */
        repl = argc > 2 ? *argv[2] : 'A',   /* replacement for seq chars */
        last = 0;                           /* previous char */

    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {        /* read each char */
        if (last) {                         /* is last set? */
            if (c == last && last == find) {/* do we have sequence? */
                putchar (repl);             /* output replacement */
                last = 0;                   /* set last 0 */
                continue;                   /* go get next char */
            else    /* otherwise */
                putchar (last);     /* just output last */
        last = c;   /* set last = current */
    if (last)           /* if last wasn't zeroed */
        putchar (last); /* just output final char */

    return 0;


$ echo "There are two ** in the sky" | ./bin/replseqchar
There are two A in the sky

$ echo "There are two *** in the sky" | ./bin/replseqchar
There are two A* in the sky

$ echo "There are two **** in the sky" | ./bin/replseqchar
There are two AA in the sky


$ echo "There are two **** in the sky" | ./bin/replseqchar '*' -
There are two -- in the sky

关于c - 将重复出现的相邻字符替换为其他字符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55318481/


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