
标签 c


我正在创建一个工具,您可以在 C 编程中计算直梯形的周长,但周长线不断出现错误。

   int main () { 

 /* variable definition: */
float baseA, baseB, height, perimeter;
/* Prompt user for baseA */
printf("Enter the first base of the trapezoid: \n");
// Input the base
scanf("%f", &baseA);

/* Prompt user for baseB */
printf("Enter the second base of the trapezoid: \n");
// Input the baseB
scanf("%f", &baseB);

/* Prompt user for height */
printf("Enter the height of the trapezoid: \n");
// Input the height
scanf("%f", &height);

 // Calculate the Perimeter
 perimeter = baseA + baseB + height + sqrt(height*height + (baseB – 
 baseA)*(baseB – baseA) );
 // Print the result
 printf("Perimeter is: %f\n", perimeter);

 return 0;}`

用户应该能够输入任何数字并使用 C 代码格式的勾股定理计算直梯形的结果。


您似乎没有使用 - 字符进行除法。我复制了您的代码并收到错误:

error: non-ASCII characters are not allowed outside of literals and identifiers
    perimeter = baseA + baseB + height + sqrt(height*height + (baseB – baseA)*(baseB - baseA) );

我刚刚用 - 替换了您的 - 并且它起作用了。

关于计算直梯形的周长,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57838582/


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