c - 按位检查有符号乘法溢出会产生意外结果

标签 c bit-manipulation overflow


其中一项测试通过了两个整数:-40 和 7。结果是 -280。该测试应该通过,因为 -280 完全在可接受的整数范围内,但我的函数告诉我它失败了。我注意到,每次传递两个产生负乘积的整数时,我都会得到相同的错误结果。代码和测试如下。感谢您的帮助!

我尝试打印出每一步的二进制字符串,以找出为什么结束右移会产生 1。 对于此程序,条件必须采用以下形式:hiproduct = (loproduct >> 31)。

Function: Take two integers and determine if their product would produce an overflow within Integer boundaries using bit manipulation.

bool tmult_ok(int x, int y) {
    long lx = (long)x;
    long ly = (long)y;
    long hiproduct = lx * ly; // These two are intentionally the same
    long loproduct = lx * ly; // and become different once masks apply
    printf("products: %d\n", hiproduct);

    long himask = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
    long lomask = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
    hiproduct = hiproduct & himask;
    loproduct = loproduct & lomask;

    printf("TMult result: %d, %d\n", hiproduct, loproduct);
    printf("Shifted loproduct: %d\n", (loproduct >> 31));
    return (hiproduct == (loproduct >> 31));

// Excerpt from main() in the test.c file -- not actual location!
int int1 = -40;
int int2 = 7;
assert(tmult_ok(int1, int2)); // True if no overflow would occur
printf("TMult Success Complete\n");


products: -280
TMult result: 0, -280
Shifted loproduct: 1
Assertion failed: (tmult_ok(int3, int4)), function main, file test.c, line 24.
Abort trap: 6



-280 的值为 0xfffffee8。如果右移31,由于符号扩展,最终结果将是0xffffffff(-1)

关于c - 按位检查有符号乘法溢出会产生意外结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58046087/


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