ios - 以编程方式访问 iPad 启动图像?

标签 ios objective-c ipad cocoa-touch launchimage

我在 Images.xcassets 中使用 LaunchImage.launchimage 来管理启动图像。但我也在尝试使用应用内的启动图像。

我读过 this answer :

The documentation indicates that the imageNamed: method on UIImage should auto-magically select the correct version


UIImageView *backImage = [UIImageView new];
backImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage"];

在 iPhone 4、5、6、6+ 上工作时,它工作得很好并获得正确的 LaunchImage,但在 iPad retina 上工作时,它返回 LaunchImage-700@2x.png 这是 iPhone 4s 的 LaunchImage 640 x 960 像素

那么如何以编程方式访问 iPad 的正确 LaunchImage 呢??

LaunchImage 文件夹中 Contents.json 的内容

  "images" : [
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "subtype" : "736h",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-800-Portrait-736h@3x.png",
      "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "scale" : "3x"
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "subtype" : "667h",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-800-667h@2x.png",
      "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700@2x.png",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "subtype" : "retina4",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-568h@2x.png",
      "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Portrait~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "1x"
      "orientation" : "landscape",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Landscape~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "1x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Portrait@2x~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "landscape",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Landscape@2x~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700.png",
      "scale" : "1x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700@2x.png",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "iphone",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-568h@2x.png",
      "subtype" : "retina4",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Portrait~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "1x"
      "orientation" : "landscape",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Landscape~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "1x"
      "orientation" : "portrait",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Portrait@2x~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "2x"
      "orientation" : "landscape",
      "idiom" : "ipad",
      "extent" : "full-screen",
      "filename" : "LaunchImage-700-Landscape@2x~ipad.png",
      "scale" : "2x"
  "info" : {
    "version" : 1,
    "author" : "xcode"



BOOL deviceIsIpad = NO;
if ( UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad ) {
    deviceIsIpad = YES;

if (!deviceIsIpad) {
    backImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage"];
} else {
    UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation = self.interfaceOrientation;
    CGFloat screenScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
    if (interfaceOrientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortrait || interfaceOrientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown){
        if (screenScale > 1) {
            backImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage-700-Portrait@2x~ipad.png"];
        } else {
            backImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage-700-Portrait~ipad.png"];
    } else {
        if (screenScale > 1) {
            backImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage-700-Landscape@2x~ipad.png"];
        } else {
            backImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage-700-Landscape~ipad.png"];

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