ios - 如何转换此代码以检测相机焦点?

标签 ios xamarin key-value-observing

我正在尝试将用于检测相机焦点的代码从 Xcode/Swift 转换为 Xamarin/C#。 [办公室政治不是很好吗?]它似乎不起作用,我不确定为什么。


private var _doneFocusing = false
let kFocusKeyPath = "adjustingFocus"

// this line in my startCamera method to watch for focus:
captureDevice.addObserver(self, forKeyPath:kFocusKeyPath, options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, context: nil)

override func observeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String, ofObject object: AnyObject, change: [NSObject : AnyObject], context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) {
    if keyPath == kFocusKeyPath {
        if let changeValue = change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] as? NSNumber {
            var adjustingFocus = (changeValue == 1)
            if adjustingFocus {
                _doneFocusing = false
            } else {
                _doneFocusing = true

C#代码。 ObserveValue 方法根本没有被调用。

private bool _doneFocusing = false;
private const string kFocusKeyPath = "FocusKeyPath";

// this line in my startCamera method to watch for focus:
_captureDevice.AddObserver(this, kFocusKeyPath, NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, IntPtr.Zero);

public override void ObserveValue(NSString keyPath, NSObject ofObject, NSDictionary change, IntPtr context)

    if (keyPath == kFocusKeyPath)
        var changeValue = change.ValueForKey(ChangeNewKey) as NSNumber;
        if (changeValue == null)
        var adjustingFocus = (changeValue.Int16Value == 1);
        if (adjustingFocus)
            _doneFocusing = false;
            _doneFocusing = true;




不确定为什么我更改了 keyPath 常量,但这就是问题所在。

keyPath 必须特别是“adjustingFocus”

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