ios - 如何计算 iOS 上 CouchbaseLite 的复制进度?

标签 ios couchbase-lite

我试图向用户显示复制进度,但到目前为止我找不到检索此信息的方法。我正在使用 iOS。我知道复制对象中的 changesCount 和 completedChangesCount,但是您不能轻易地将其转换为百分比进度,因为 changesCount 在复制运行时不断增加。知道可以做些什么吗?

changesCount 文档:


如果您查看有关复制的 Couchbase lite-iOS 指南,有 Observing and monitoring replications .


[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
                     selector: @selector(replicationChanged:)
                         name: kCBLReplicationChangeNotification
                       object: push];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
                     selector: @selector(replicationChanged:)
                         name: kCBLReplicationChangeNotification
                       object: pull];
- (void) replicationChanged: (NSNotification*)n {
    // The replication reporting the notification is n.object , but we
    // want to look at the aggregate of both the push and pull.

    // First check whether replication is currently active:
    BOOL active = (pull.status == kCBLReplicationActive) || (push.status == kCBLReplicationActive);
    self.activityIndicator.state = active;
    // Now show a progress indicator:
    self.progressBar.hidden = !active;
    if (active) {
        double progress = 0.0;
        double total = push.changesCount + pull.changesCount;
        if (total > 0.0) {
            progress = (push.completedChangesCount + pull.completedChangesCount) / total;
        self.progressBar.progress = progress;

swift :

    selector: "replicationChanged:",
    name: kCBLReplicationChangeNotification,
    object: push)
    selector: "replicationChanged:",
    name: kCBLReplicationChangeNotification,
    object: pull)
func replicationProgress(n: NSNotification) {
    // The replication reporting the notification is n.object , but we
    // want to look at the aggregate of both the push and pull.

    // First check whether replication is currently active:
    let active = pull.status == CBLReplicationStatus.Active || push.status == CBLReplicationStatus.Active
    self.activityIndicator.state = active
    // Now show a progress indicator:
    self.progressBar.hidden = !active;
    if active {
        var progress = 0.0
        let total = push.changesCount + pull.changesCount
        let completed = push.completedChangesCount + pull.completedChangesCount
        if total > 0 {
            progress = Double(completed) / Double(total);
        self.progressBar.progress = progress;


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