c - 按第三次按钮后 AVR 代码停止工作

标签 c microcontroller avr

我希望我的代码在系统通电时首先闪烁,然后在按一次引脚 D3 上的按钮 B1 时,卡住按下时的 LED 状态。然后再次按 B1,继续闪烁等等...

我的代码一直有效,直到我第二次按 B1。 AVR 卡住在该状态,但是当我第三次按 B1 时,没有任何反应。我的范围有问题吗?

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#define LED1 PIND1
#define B2 PIND2
#define B1 PIND3
#define LED2 PIND4

    void turn_on();
    void turnoff();
    void toggle_led1();
    void toggle_led2();
    void blink();
    void led1_on_led2_off();

    int counter = 0;

    int main(void)
        // Set variables
        DDRD |= 1 << LED1; //Set Direction for Output on PINB0 (Led 1)
        DDRD |= 1 << LED2; //Set Direction for Output on PINB0 (Led 2)
        DDRD &= ~(1 << B1); //Data Direction Register input PINB3 (Button B1)
        PORTD |= 1 << B1; //Set PINB3 to a high reading
        DDRD &= ~(1 << B2); //Data Direction Register input PINB4 (Button B2)
        PORTD |= 1 << B2; //Set PINB4 to a high reading

        int Pressed = 0;
        int Pressed_Confidence_Level = 0;
        int Released_Confidence_Level = 0;

        GICR |=(1<<INT0);//Enables int0 as an external interrupt
        MCUCR |= (1<<ISC01 | 1<<ISC00); // Generate interrupt on rising edge

        sei(); // Enable the global interrupts
        TCCR1B |= 1<<CS10 | 1<<CS11;  // start the timer at F_CPU/pre-scaler  
        OCR1A = 7812; // = 0.5 second


             if (bit_is_clear(PIND, 3))
                 Pressed_Confidence_Level ++; //Increase Pressed Confidence
                 Released_Confidence_Level = 0; //Reset released button confidence since there is a button press
                 if (Pressed_Confidence_Level >500) //Indicator of good button press
                     if (Pressed == 0)
                         Pressed = 1;
                     //Zero it so a new pressed condition can be evaluated
                     Pressed_Confidence_Level = 0;
                 Released_Confidence_Level ++; //This works just like the pressed
                 Released_Confidence_Level = 0; //Reset pressed button confidence since the button is released
                 if (Released_Confidence_Level >500)
                     Pressed = 0;
                     Released_Confidence_Level = 0;



         return 0;      

    TCCR0 is a control register used in pre-scaling.

    void turn_on()
        PORTD |= 1 << LED1;// Turns on LED1 on port d
        PORTD |= 1 << LED2;// Turns on LED2 on port d
    void turnoff()
        PORTD &= ~(1 << LED1);
        PORTD &= ~(1 << LED2);

    void toggle_led1()
        PORTD ^= (1 << LED1);
    void toggle_led2()
        PORTD ^= (1 << LED2);
    void blink()

            TCNT1 = 0;
    void led1_on_led2_off()
        PORTD |= 1 << LED1;
        PORTD &= ~(1 << LED2);


在 else 分支中递增后,您始终会重置 Released_Confidence_Level。

关于c - 按第三次按钮后 AVR 代码停止工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19283871/


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