c# - 从 C 转换为 C#,还是制作 DLL?

标签 c# c

我是 C# 编程新手。我有一个用 C 语言修改的程序,现在需要获取从 C 程序获得的字符串数组并将其传递给 C# 程序,以便它可以使用这些值查询 Oracle 数据库。

此程序用于从连接到计算机的所有 iButton 设备获取序列号。


// function prototypes
void  UnLoadTMEX(void);
short LoadTMEX(void);

// globals
static FARPROC Get_Version, TMGetTypeVersion, TMEndSession;
static FARPROC TMSetup, TMNext, TMRom, ExtendedStartSession;
static FARPROC TMReadDefaultPort;
long (__fastcall *TMExtendedStartSession)(short,short,void *);

static HINSTANCE hInst;
unsigned char state_buf[5125];

// Main of iSerial64
void main(int argc, char **argv)
   char refresh,buf[200];
   short flag,i,didsetup=0;
   short ROM[9];
   short PortNum,PortType;
   long SHandle;
   char serialtmp[2], serial[10][17];
   int j = -1;

   // load the TMEX driver and get pointers to functions 
   if (!LoadTMEX())
      printf("ERROR, could not load IBFS64.DLL\n");

   // load the TMEX driver and get pointers to functions 
   TMReadDefaultPort(&PortNum, &PortType);

   // get the TMEX driver version

   printf("Port number: %d     Port type: %d\n",PortNum,PortType);
   printf("Main Driver: %s\n",buf);
   if ((short)TMGetTypeVersion(PortType,buf) < 0)
      printf("\nNo Hardware Driver for this type found!\n");
      // Unload the TMEX driver
   printf(" %s\n\n\n",buf);

   // check the command line
   if (argc > 1)
      PortNum = atoi(argv[1]);

   // check for valid range of PortNum
   if ((PortNum < 1) || (PortNum > 15))
      printf("ERROR, invalid port requested: %d\n",PortNum);

   // loop to display the rom numbers until key hit
      // get a session handle to the requested port
      SHandle = TMExtendedStartSession(PortNum,PortType,NULL);
      if (SHandle > 0)
         // check to see if TMSetup has been done once
         if (!didsetup)
            flag = (short)TMSetup(SHandle);
            if (flag == 1 || flag == 2)
               printf("TMSetup complete %d\n",flag);
               didsetup = 1;
               printf("ERROR doing setup %d\n",flag);
         // only get the next rom after setup complete
             //j was added to keep track of the serial number strings
             memset(serial[j], 0, strlen(serial[j]));
            flag = (short)TMNext(SHandle,(void far *)&state_buf[0]);
            if (flag > 0)
                ROM[0] = 0;
                flag = (short)TMRom(SHandle, (void far *)&state_buf[0], (short far *)&ROM[0]);
                for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
                    //This section was changed from the original
                    //copies raw number into string
                    sprintf(serialtmp, "%02X", ROM[i]);
                    strcat(serial[j], serialtmp);

                printf("%s ", serial[j]);

               printf("end of search\n");

         // close the opened session 

   while (flag > 0);

   // Unload the TMEX driver

   printf("iSERIAL64 end\n");

// Load the TMEX driver and get a pointers to the functions
short LoadTMEX(void)
   // attempt to get a SHandle to the TMEX driver
   hInst = LoadLibrary(L"IBFS64.DLL");

   // get a pointer to the function needed by loopit64
   if (hInst != NULL)
      ExtendedStartSession = GetProcAddress(hInst,"TMExtendedStartSession");
      TMEndSession = GetProcAddress(hInst,"TMEndSession");
      TMSetup = GetProcAddress(hInst,"TMSetup");
      TMNext = GetProcAddress(hInst,"TMNext");
      TMRom = GetProcAddress(hInst,"TMRom");
      Get_Version = GetProcAddress(hInst,"Get_Version");
      TMGetTypeVersion = GetProcAddress(hInst,"TMGetTypeVersion");
       TMReadDefaultPort = GetProcAddress(hInst, "TMReadDefaultPort");

      // check to make sure got ALL of the functions needed
      if ((ExtendedStartSession == NULL) || (TMEndSession == NULL) ||
         (TMSetup == NULL) || (TMNext == NULL) ||
         (TMRom == NULL) || (Get_Version == NULL) ||
         (TMGetTypeVersion == NULL) || (TMReadDefaultPort == NULL))
         printf("ERROR, could not get a pointer to all"
                " of the TMEX functions needed\n");
         return 0;
      // get a function pointer that returns a long
      TMExtendedStartSession = (long (__fastcall *)(short,short,void *))ExtendedStartSession;

      return 1;
      return 0;

// UnLoad the TMEX driver
void UnLoadTMEX(void)
   // release the TMEX driver

我应该尝试转换它,还是只是创建一个 C DLL 并将其导入到我的 C# 程序中?就像我说的,我还没有真正使用过 C#,我是一名实习生,我的老板给了我这个项目,以便我可以学习 C#。非常感谢任何帮助


如果你想在 c# 中使用 c dll,请阅读 this文章。 但最好将代码转换为 C# 代码,因为您可以轻松管理此代码并更新代码。

关于c# - 从 C 转换为 C#,还是制作 DLL?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21709528/


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