从 Unix 系统创建 tr 程序的简化版本。翻译字符功能

标签 c ascii getchar

void Translating(const char set1[], char set2[])

    size_t q;
    int s;
    int c;
    unsigned char table[256];

   /*Creates a table to reference characters 
     by their ACII values based on,  
     their integer values in the ASCII table.*/

   for(s = 0; s < 256; s++)
       table[s] = s;

#if 1
       /*Something is occurring here. 
         The values are not returning equal to*/ 
       /*what they should be.*/
       for(q = 0; set1[q] !='\0'; q++)
           if(set2[q] != set1[q])
           table[(int)set1[q]] = set2[q];

       while((c = getchar()) != EOF)

在这段代码下面,我有一个工作用户界面(粗略的),它从命令行参数中提取值并将它们保存到 set1 和 set2。这些值通常是字符数组(我已经测试过它们,它们被正确复制)。这些字符需要传递给该函数并进行翻译。

For example: `./a asd fgt < test.txt > grr.txt`


all 'f' with 'a', 
all 'g' with 's' and 
all 't' with 'd'. 

我的函数非常接近工作,但是当我使用它时,打印的值非常疯狂。 就好像我的 ASCII 表增加了一些随机值,比如 100 之类的。感谢您抽出时间,如果有人提供帮助,任何人都应该尝试这个程序,它既有趣又具有挑战性。 也许我需要为我的变量重置某个值,C 是一个棘手的野兽。


   for(s = 0; s < 256; s++)
       table[s] = s;
   for(q = 0; set1[q] !='\0'; q++)
       if(set2[q] != set1[q])
       table[(int)set1[q]] = set2[q];
   while((c = getchar()) != EOF)

put both inner `for` and `while` outside the outer `for` loop.

 - First you update the table with all the character list
 - change the character list to your needs.
 - Used the modified character code to print the output.

关于从 Unix 系统创建 tr 程序的简化版本。翻译字符功能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28388901/


c - putchar() 奇怪的输出,为什么会这样?

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java - Java 中的随机访问文件和额外 ASCII 字符