c - 使用指针访问结构成员时产生垃圾数据

标签 c pointers struct

struct _StoryElement_ {
char *title_of_chapter_;
struct _StoryElement_ *path_a_;
struct _StoryElement_ *path_b_;
char *content_of_chapter_;
typedef struct _StoryElement_ StoryElement;


StoryElement *insertIntoStoryElement(StoryElement* root, char* title_of_chapter, char* content_of_chapter)
  if(root == NULL)
    root = makeNewStoryElement(root, title_of_chapter, content_of_chapter);
  else if (root->path_a_ == NULL)
    root->path_a_ = makeNewStoryElement(root, title_of_chapter, content_of_chapter);
  else if (root->path_b_ == NULL)
    root->path_b_ = makeNewStoryElement(root, title_of_chapter, content_of_chapter);

  return root;

StoryElement *makeNewStoryElement(StoryElement* root, char* title_of_chapter,
                                  char* content_of_chapter)
  root = (StoryElement*) malloc(sizeof(StoryElement));

  root->title_of_chapter_ =
  (char*)malloc(sizeof(char*)*(strlen(title_of_chapter) + 1));
  root->content_of_chapter_ =
  (char*)malloc(sizeof(char*)*(strlen(title_of_chapter) + 1));

  //strcpy(NewStoryElement->title_of_chapter_, title_of_chapter);
  //strcpy(NewStoryElement->content_of_chapter_, content_of_chapter);
  title_of_chapter = root->title_of_chapter_;
  content_of_chapter = root->content_of_chapter_;

  root->path_a_ = NULL;
  root->path_b_ = NULL;

  return root;

这个函数为我提供了传递给 insertIntoStoryElement() 的字符串值:

StoryElement *createStoryTree (StoryElement *root, char *storage)

  char* pos = storage;
  pos = strchr(pos, '\n');
  *pos = '\0';
  int size = strlen(storage);
  char* title = malloc(size + 1);
  strcpy(title, storage);

  char* ptr_path_a = pos + 1;
  pos = strchr(ptr_path_a, '\n');
  *pos = '\0';
  size = strlen(ptr_path_a);
  char* path_a = malloc(size + 1);
  strcpy(path_a, ptr_path_a);

  char* ptr_path_b = pos + 1;
  pos = strchr(ptr_path_b, '\n');
  *pos = '\0';
  size = strlen(ptr_path_b);
  char* path_b = malloc(size + 1);
  strcpy(path_b, ptr_path_b);

  char* ptr_text = pos + 1;
  pos = strchr(pos + 1, '\0');
  *pos = '\0';
  size = strlen(ptr_text);
  char* text = malloc(size + 1);
  strcpy(text, ptr_text);

  root = insertIntoStoryElement(root, title, text);

/*  if(strcmp(path_a, "-")!=0 && strcmp(path_b, "-")!=0)
    root->path_a_ = readStoryFromFile(root->path_a_, path_a);
    root->path_a_ = readStoryFromFile(root->path_b_, path_b);

  return root;

这是最终在 main 中调用的函数:

StoryElement *readStoryFromFile (StoryElement *root, char *filename)
  if(strcmp(filename, "-") == 0)
    //printf("End  reached\n");
    return 0;
  FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");

    printf("[ERR] Could not read file %s.\n", filename);
    return 0;

  long fsize = getFileSize(file);

  char* storage = malloc(fsize + 1);
    printf("[ERR] Out of memory.\n");
    return 0;

  fread(storage, fsize, 1, file);
  storage[fsize] = '\0';

  root = createStoryTree(root, storage);


  return root;


int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  if ( argc != 2 ) /* argc should be 2 for correct execution */
    printf( "Usage: ./ass2 [file-name]\n");
    return (1);

  StoryElement *root = NULL;

  root = readStoryFromFile(root, argv[1]);
    return 3;

  printf("%p\n", root);
  printf("%s\n", root->title_of_chapter_);


  root = NULL;

  return 0;

最后我的问题是主函数中后面的 2 个 printfs 返回以下内容: First pointer Address is ok I think, but the second printf should be "Kapitel_1.txt" 为什么我在这里得到垃圾值?这是段错误吗?


在您的函数makeNewStoryElement中,您为root->title_of_chapter分配了空间,但您没有将给定title_of_chapter的内容放入它。这意味着 root->title_of_chapter 将包含从 malloc 返回的位置中的任何垃圾数据。
做类似的事情 strcpy(root->title_of_chapter, title_of_chapter);
printf 就可以了。

关于c - 使用指针访问结构成员时产生垃圾数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47610804/


c - 奇怪的 malloc 行为

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