c - 在 libcoap coap 服务器 GET 响应处理程序中如何访问 URI 的查询添加项?

标签 c rest raspbian coap libcoap

我正在与 libcoap-dev-1 合作带有 Raspberry Pi 的 Raspbian 下的库,使用带有简单客户端和简单服务器的库来实现 CoAP 协议(protocol)。我有一个工作客户端和一个工作服务器,现在正在尝试修改服务器,以便它可以接受带有查询字符串的 URI,然后我可以获取 URI 的查询字符串。

我当前测试的URI是coap://其中有一个查询参数 item=1 ?之后.

服务器中的请求处理程序是以下函数,它是一个 stub ,用于测试将预设响应作为 JSON 文本发送回客户端。这工作正常,客户端接收 JSON 文本并能够使用快速 JSON 库来解析它。

// header for the libcoap library. it should be in /usr/include/coap
#include <coap/coap.h>

 * The resource handler which the libcoap library will invoke when the registered
 * URI is specified.
static void
hello_handler(coap_context_t *ctx, struct coap_resource_t *resource,
              const coap_endpoint_t *local_interface, coap_address_t *peer,
              coap_pdu_t *request, str *token, coap_pdu_t *response)
        static  int iCount = 0;
        unsigned char buf[3];
        const char* response_data     = "{\"device\": \"DEV-01-123\", \"item\" : %d }";
        char response_buf[256] = {0};

        response->hdr->code           = COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(205);
        coap_add_option(response, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_TYPE, coap_encode_var_bytes(buf, COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN), buf);

        sprintf (response_buf, response_data, iCount);
        coap_add_data  (response, strlen(response_buf), (unsigned char *)response_buf);

        printf (" request %s\n", resource->uri.s);

printf()函数末尾打印不带查询部分的 URI。所以打印的是hello而不是hello?item=1 .

我的问题是如何访问客户端发送的 URI 的查询部分?


用于创建服务器和客户端的 libcoap 函数需要更多步骤,作为格式化和检索 CoAP 请求中的 URI 和 URI 查询信息的一部分。

完整的示例应用程序 client.c 和 server.c 位于我的 GitHub 存储库中:https://github.com/RichardChambers/raspberrypi/tree/master/coap .

在服务器端,消息处理程序将使用选项迭代器(一个 coap_opt_iterator_t 结构对象)来迭代 coap_pdu_t 结构请求对象的选项。迭代时,服务器将查找 COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY 类型的选项,其中包含查询参数,通常是关键字等值对。

因此可以使用辅助函数重写所发布问题的函数 hello_handler() 来获取 URI 查询项列表,如下所示:

 * The following helper function, printQueryOption(), is used to
 * iterate over the list of options looking for query type options
 * to the base URI. This is analogous to a web URL that contains
 * a question mark followed by options such as:
 *    http://www.server.com/hello?type=1,id=2345
 * We will return a value of 1 (true) if we found something or a value
 * of 0 (false) if we do not.
static int
printQueryOption (coap_pdu_t *request, coap_opt_iterator_t * popt_iter )
        int  iRet = 0;
        coap_opt_t *option;

        // iterate over the options looking for queries. If we find one
        // then print it and return a value of 1, true, to indicate we
        // found one. If we don't find any then return the default value
        // of 0, false.
        while (option = coap_option_next(popt_iter)) {
                // found an option, is it a query option or not.
                if (popt_iter->type != COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY) continue;
                // it is a query option so print out the query text.
                char xBuff[128] = {0};
                strncpy (xBuff, COAP_OPT_VALUE(option), COAP_OPT_LENGTH(option));
                printf ("    option  len %d\n         %s \n", COAP_OPT_LENGTH(option), xBuff);

                // indicate that we found a query option.
                iRet = 1;

        return iRet;

 * The resource handler which the libcoap library will invoke when the registered
 * URI is specified. This is a simple request handler which will just display some
 * of the information from the request.
static void
hello_handler(coap_context_t *ctx, struct coap_resource_t *resource,
              const coap_endpoint_t *local_interface, coap_address_t *peer,
              coap_pdu_t *request, str *token, coap_pdu_t *response)
        static  int iCount = 0;   // a simple count to provide some kind of response data.
        unsigned char buf[3];
        const char* response_data     = "{\"device\": \"DEV-01-123\", \"item\" : %d }";
        char response_buf[256] = {0};

        // generate a response to this request. we have a hard coded JSON text that
        // we are using as a stub for testing.
        response->hdr->code           = COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(205);
        coap_add_option(response, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_TYPE, coap_encode_var_bytes(buf, COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN), buf);

        sprintf (response_buf, response_data, iCount);
        coap_add_data  (response, strlen(response_buf), (unsigned char *)response_buf);
        iCount++;    // this count is some type of varying data so that we can see things are working.

        if (request != NULL) {
                // there is a request URI so lets print out the base URI and then
                // iterate over the options looking for the Query type options.
                coap_opt_iterator_t  opt_iter;

                printf (" request %s\n", resource->uri.s);
                coap_option_iterator_init (request, &opt_iter, COAP_OPT_ALL);

                // iterate over the options of the request printing out any
                // query text that may exist.
                while (printQueryOption (request, &opt_iter));
        } else {
                printf (" request - NONE\n");

在客户端,我们将构建请求,通过一系列函数 coap_add_option() 调用添加我们想要包含在请求中的查询,如下所示:

coap_split_uri(server_uri, strlen(server_uri), &uri);
request            = coap_new_pdu();
request->hdr->type = COAP_MESSAGE_CON;
request->hdr->id   = coap_new_message_id(ctx);
request->hdr->code = get_method;

printf (" Request URI: path %d %s\n", uri.path.length, uri.path.s);

coap_add_option(request, COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH, uri.path.length, uri.path.s);
sprintf (server_query, "item=%d", iItem);
coap_add_option(request, COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY, strlen(server_query), server_query);
printf ("         Query: len %d %s\n", strlen(server_query), server_query);
sprintf (server_query, "device=%s", aszDevName);
coap_add_option(request, COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY, strlen(server_query), server_query);
printf ("         Query: len %d %s\n", strlen(server_query), server_query);
sprintf (server_query, "tempo=%s", aszTempoName);
coap_add_option(request, COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY, strlen(server_query), server_query);
printf ("         Query: len %d %s\n", strlen(server_query), server_query);

这些语句使用一组参数或查询选项创建对特定 URI 的 CoAP 请求,以便 URI 的服务器处理程序可以为请求提供特定响应。对于此示例,使用的变量是硬编码的值,如下所示:

char *aszDevName = "DEV-01-203";
char *aszTempoName = "TEMPO-12345";
int  iItem = 5;

const char*       server_uri = "coap://";

这两个示例程序可以在两个单独的终端窗口中运行,首先启动服务器。尝试客户端三次,第一次使用 URI“hello”,第二次使用 URI“goodbye”,第三次使用 URI“hello”,我们看到以下输出。


pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents/raspberrypi/coap $ ./server
 request hello
    option  len 6
    option  len 17
    option  len 17
 request hello
    option  len 6
    option  len 17
    option  len 17


pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents/raspberrypi/coap $ ./client
 Request URI: path 5 hello
         Query: len 6 item=5
         Query: len 17 device=DEV-01-203
         Query: len 17 tempo=TEMPO-12345
Received: {"device": "DEV-01-123", "item" : 0 } -> item = 0
pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents/raspberrypi/coap $ ./client goodbye
 Request URI: path 7 goodbye
         Query: len 6 item=5
         Query: len 17 device=DEV-01-203
         Query: len 17 tempo=TEMPO-12345

pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents/raspberrypi/coap $ ./client
 Request URI: path 5 hello
         Query: len 6 item=5
         Query: len 17 device=DEV-01-203
         Query: len 17 tempo=TEMPO-12345
Received: {"device": "DEV-01-123", "item" : 1 } -> item = 1
pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents/raspberrypi/coap $ 

关于c - 在 libcoap coap 服务器 GET 响应处理程序中如何访问 URI 的查询添加项?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47984333/


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