objective-c - Objective-C : Can the Countdown timer Picker be used as a hour/min picker?

标签 objective-c ios datetimepicker countdown

我想知道我是否可以直接使用标准倒计时选择器作为小时/分钟选择器,例如用户可以选择小时数和分钟数作为 parking 时间等...




参见 here :

The UIDatePicker class implements an object that uses multiple rotating wheels to allow users to select dates and times. iPhone examples of a date picker are the Timer and Alarm (Set Alarm) panes of the Clock application. You may also use a date picker as a countdown timer.


关于objective-c - Objective-C : Can the Countdown timer Picker be used as a hour/min picker?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6067528/


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