c - 嵌套 For 循环发牌

标签 c vector struct enums nested-loops

我试图将 5 张牌发给 4 个不同的手牌,但是当第一张牌分发到每手牌时,接下来的 4 张牌是第一张牌的副本(相对于玩家)。 AFAIK 内部 for 循环第一次将连续的牌分发给每手牌,但似乎不适用于其余 4 张牌。我的 for 循环中有什么错误?


#include "functions.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include  <crtdbg.h> 

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    const int SuitSize = 13; //const int of 13 faces for the double for loop
    int i,j,k; //iterating variables

    Vector Deck; //create a vector Deck (with size, capacity, and ptr to card array)

    VectorInit(&Deck, 52); //initialize deck with 10, will grow later

    Card cardArray[52]; //create a Card type array of 52, fill with unshuffled Deck of Cards in for loop(s) below

    //outer loop is for Suits
    for (k = Clubs; k <= Spades; k++)
        //inner for loop is for face
        for (j = Deuce; j <= Ace; j++)
            cardArray[j - Deuce + k * SuitSize].suit = k; //j-Deuce is 2 - face pos plus k * 13 k
            cardArray[j - Deuce + k * SuitSize].face = j;


    //copy cardArray into Deck using AddToTail for the correct order
    for (i = 0; i < 52; ++i)
        AddToTail(cardArray[i], &Deck);

    //array of vectors, each with ptr to an array of cards
    Vector Hands[4];

    for (int v = 0; v < 4; ++v)
        VectorInit(&Hands[v], 5);

    for (int c = 0; c < 5; ++c)
        for (int h = 0; h < 4; ++h)
            AddToTail(Deck.Items[h], &Hands[h]);





#include "functions.h"

    void VectorInit(Vector * vect, int capacity)
    vect->size = 0;             //initialize the size to 0 (no elements)
    vect->capacity = capacity;  //initialize capacity to 10, can grow later
    vect->Items = malloc(sizeof(Card) * capacity);

void Grow(Vector * vect)
    int i;

    if (vect->capacity < 0) //if the capacity ever reaches 0 or below, reset it to 10
        vect->capacity = 10;
        vect->capacity *= 2; // 'grow' the capacity by doubling it

    Card *newStore;
    newStore = (Card*)malloc(vect->Items, (vect->capacity * sizeof(Card)));
    vect->Items = newStore;


void Add(Card card, int pos, Vector * vect)
    int i;
    if (vect->size == vect->capacity) //if the num of elements = capacity, the array is full - Grow it

    //for (i = vect->size; i > pos; --i) //copy everything over by 1 to make an empty spot at pos
    //  vect->Items[i] = vect->Items[i - 1];
    vect->Items[pos] = card;        //add a provided index and value for insertion in Items array


void AddToTail(Card value, Vector * vect)
    Add(value, vect->size, vect);


    #pragma once

typedef enum {Clubs,Diamonds,Hearts,Spades} Suits;
typedef enum{Deuce = 2,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten,Jack,Queen,King,Ace} Face;

typedef struct card
    Suits suit;
    Face face;

} Card;

typedef struct vector
    Card * Items; //pointer to array of cards
    int size; //current num of elements
    int capacity; //max num of elements


void VectorInit(Vector * vect, int capacity);
void Grow(Vector * vect);
void Add(Card card, int pos, Vector * vect);
void AddToTail(Card value, Vector * vect);



AddToTail(Deck.Items[h], &Hands[h]);

记下您正在使用的 Deck 的索引。每次执行循环时,它都会使用相同的 h 值。考虑如何更改此设置,以便它不会在牌组中使用相同的索引(您每次都需要新卡,但使用像这样的相同索引是不可能的)。

关于c - 嵌套 For 循环发牌,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53789022/


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