c - 验证截至当前时间的日期

标签 c

我正在用 c 语言编写一个程序,该程序需要具有必须有效且在当前日期之后的随机日期。对于这一代人来说,根本没有任何问题。我唯一不能做的就是只接受最新的日期。



short dateControl( const unsigned short day, const unsigned short month, const unsigned short year, const int min_year, const int max_year, struct tm curTime)
    short correct = ZERO;

    if( (year >= curTime.tm_year) && (year <= max_year) ){
        if( (month >= 1) && (month <= 12) ){
            if( (day >= 1 && day <= 31) && (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) ){
                correct = ONE;
            }else if( (day >= 1 && day <= 30) && (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) ){
                correct = ONE;
            }else if( (day >= 1 && day <= 28) && (month == 2) ){
                correct = ONE;
            }else if( day == 29 && month == 2 && (year % 400 == 0 ||(year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0)) ){
                correct = ONE;
                correct = ZERO;     
        } else{
            correct = ZERO;         
        correct = ZERO;             

if(correct == ONE){
    if( year > curTime.tm_year ){
            correct = ONE;
        }else if( year == curTime.tm_year ){
            if( month > curTime.tm_mon ){
                correct = ONE;
            }else if( month == curTime.tm_mon ){
                if( day > curTime.tm_mday ){
                    correct = ONE;
                }else if(day == curTime.tm_mday){
                    correct = ZERO;
                }else if(day < curTime.tm_mday){
                    correct = ZERO;
            }else if( month < curTime.tm_mon ){
                correct = ZERO;

    return correct;


day = random_int(1, 31);
month = random_int(1, 12);
year = random_int(local->tm_year, local->tm_year + 1);
validDate = dateControl(tempTrip.dep_date.day, tempTrip.dep_date.month, tempTrip.dep_date.year, local->tm_year, (local->tm_year + 1), *local);
    while(validDate == ZERO){
    tempDriver.sub_date.day = random_int(1, 31);
    tempDriver.sub_date.month = random_int(1, 12);
    tempDriver.sub_date.year = random_int(local->tm_year, (local->tm_year + 1));
    validDate = dateControl(tempTrip.dep_date.day, tempTrip.dep_date.month, tempTrip.dep_date.year, local->tm_year, (local->tm_year + 1), *local);

我预计,如果生成的日期是 2/7/2019 而今天是 18/8/2019,则需要丢弃生成的日期并生成另一个日期。


i'm doing a program in c that needs to have random dates that have to be valid and after the current date. For the generation there aren't any problems at all. The only thing i can't do is to accept only the up to date dates.


具体来说,如果您获取当前时间(使用 time())并向其添加一个随机正值(同时小心避免溢出),然后将结果转换为日期 (例如使用gmtime());那么您可以保证随机日期是有效的并且在将来,而无需进行任何检查,并且您可以删除所有 dateControl() 代码。

关于c - 验证截至当前时间的日期,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57543954/


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