c - 如何用 C 语言编写带有可变参数的函数

标签 c user-defined-functions ellipsis

我想在 c 中编写一个参数数量可变的函数..有人可以指导我吗..



Because ellipses are rarely used, dangerous, and we strongly recommend avoiding their use, this section can be considered optional reading.

如果您仍然需要这样的函数,请看一下这个示例(重点是 va_list):

double FindAverage(int nCount, ...)
    long lSum = 0;

    // We access the ellipses through a va_list, so let's declare one
    va_list list;

    // We initialize the va_list using va_start.  The first parameter is
    // the list to initialize.  The second parameter is the last non-ellipse
    // parameter.
    va_start(list, nCount);

    // Loop nCount times
    for (int nArg=0; nArg < nCount; nArg++)
         // We use va_arg to get parameters out of our ellipses
         // The first parameter is the va_list we're using
         // The second parameter is the type of the parameter
         lSum += va_arg(list, int);

    // Cleanup the va_list when we're done.

    return static_cast<double>(lSum) / nCount;

关于c - 如何用 C 语言编写带有可变参数的函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15923834/


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