ios - 将swiftui集成到objective c框架中

标签 ios swift frameworks

我正在启动一个目标框架,并希望在其中集成一些快速代码。根据官方文件。 (

Because the generated header for a framework target is part of the framework’s public interface, only declarations marked with the public modifier appear in the generated header for a framework target. You can still use Swift methods and properties that are marked with the internal modifier from within the Objective-C part of your framework, as long they are declared within a class that inherits from an Objective-C class.

但是,我发现无法访问 swift 的内部部分,例如:

@objc 内部类A:NSObject {}


引用说“您仍然可以使用用内部修饰符标记的 Swift 方法和属性”(添加了强调)。在您的示例中,它是(不是方法或属性),它是内部。如果您将类设为public 并添加一个内部方法,您应该能够访问该方法。


swift :

@objc public class MyClass : NSObject {
    internal func bar() -> String { return "foobar" }

objective-C :

#import "MyApplication-Swift.h"

MyClass *foo = [[MyClass alloc] init];
NSLog(@"%@", [foo bar]);

请注意,必须构建代码才能更新生成的 MyApplication-Swift.h

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