ios - FBSDKLog : starting with Graph API v2. 4、对/me/permissions的GET请求应包含显式的 "fields"参数

标签 ios xcode facebook swift

有谁知道为什么我会收到此错误?我有一个字段参数集。我对 swift 和编码很陌生,任何帮助将不胜感激。

let graphRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me", parameters: ["fields": "id, name, gender"])

    // start the request:

        // void in means that it will return nothing upon completion
        (connection, result, error) -> Void in

        // do an error check
        if error != nil {


        } else if let result = result {

            PFUser.currentUser()?["gender"] = result["gender"]
            PFUser.currentUser()?["name"] = result["name"]

            // use the user's FB id to get their public profile. First make their id a string:
            let userId = result["id"] as! String
            // next go to the internet and get their photo from FB:
            let facebookProfilePictureUrl = "" + userId + "/picture?type=large"



let graphRequest : FBSDKGraphRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me", parameters: nil)
    graphRequest.startWithCompletionHandler({ (connection, result, error) -> Void in
        if (error) != nil   {
            NSLog("Error: \(error)")
            view.makeToast(message: "We are unable to connect to Facebook. Please try after sometime")

在此结果中,我们获得了用户的所有详细信息 这是一种从中获取的方法

func facebookData(result: AnyObject){
    NSLog("Sending Login from facebook call")
    var missingFields:[String] = []
    userSocialDetailsGlobal.loginType = "facebook"
    userSocialDetailsGlobal.socialId = result.valueForKey("id") as! String
    userSocialDetailsGlobal.firstName = result.valueForKey("first_name") as! String
    userSocialDetailsGlobal.lastName = result.valueForKey("last_name") as! String

    userSocialDetailsGlobal.socialToken = FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken().tokenString

struct userSocialDetailsGlobal {
    static var socialId: String = String()
    static var firstName: String = String()
    static var lastName: String = String()
    static var loginType: String = String()
    static var socialToken: String = String()

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