ios - 发布 NSNotification 时更新自定义单元 UIButton 标题

标签 ios swift uitableview uibutton swift2

我有一个 UITableViewController ,其中有一堆自定义单元格,其中有一个 playButton 。在 cellForRowAtIndexPath 中,我分配了一个等于按钮的 indexPath 的标签,这样当按下 playButton 时,我设置了按钮的标题为“停止”。它会更改为“停止”,正如它应该的那样,当我按“停止”时,它会更改回“播放”。

我遇到的困难是当我的声音在没有用户干预的情况下自行停止播放时。我设置了一个观察者来监听 MP3 播放器的完成情况。我在 MyTableViewControllerviewDidLoad 中添加了一个观察者:

以下是我用来更改单元格中 playButton 标题的变量:

// Variables to facilitate changing playButton title
var indexPathOfPlayButton = Int()
var isPlaying: Bool = false


    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "resetPlayButton", name: resetPlayButtonNotification, object: nil)

这是我在 MyTableViewController 上的 playMP3 方法:

func playMP3(sender: AnyObject) {

    if isPlaying == false {
        isPlaying = true
        // This gets the indexPath of the button that sent the playMP3 request
        let indexPath = sender.tag
        sender.setTitle("Stop", forState: UIControlState.Normal)

        // This sets the indexPath of the playButton that we'll redraw the button when it receives a notification?
        indexPathOfPlayButton = indexPath

        if {
            let soundToPlay = self.filteredSounds[indexPath]
            let soundFilename = soundToPlay.soundFilename as String
            mp3Player = MP3Player(fileName: soundFilename)
        } else {
            let soundToPlay = self.unfilteredSounds[indexPath]
            let soundFilename = soundToPlay.soundFilename as String
            mp3Player = MP3Player(fileName: soundFilename)

    else if isPlaying == true {
        isPlaying = false
        sender.setTitle("Play", forState: UIControlState.Normal)

在我的 MP3Player 类中,这是我用来发布已完成通知的委托(delegate)方法:

func audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(player: AVAudioPlayer, successfully flag: Bool) {
    if currentTrackIndex == tracks.count - 1 {
        print("end of playlist reached")
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(resetPlayButtonNotification, object: self)

    else if flag == true {
        print("advance to next track")

最后,这是在发布通知时调用的 MyTableViewController 上的方法:

func resetPlayButton() {
    // TODO: How do I get a hold of the button and change the title from outside playMP3?


您有很多代码,与您上面提到的问题无关。如果我理解您的问题是您不知道如何更新观察者选择器 resetPlayButton() 中的按钮。该按钮位于表格 View 单元格中,并且您已将索引存储在 indexPathOfPlayButton 中。 您可以获得这样的单元格:

let cell: YourCellClass = tableView.cellForIndexPath(NSIndexPath(forItem: indexPathOfPlayButton, inSection: 0))



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