ios - 将 swift 类型转换为相同类型,为什么会起作用?

标签 ios arrays swift casting

为什么以下行可以在 swift 中编译并运行?

employeeListing.text = (jumperCablesRoles[row] as! [String] as [String]).joinWithSeparator("...")




首先,jumperCablesRoles[row]为! [String] 在 Swift 中是一个潜在危险的操作,因为您强制将 jumperCablesRoles[row] 展开(转换)为字符串数组。了解有关拯救小马的更多信息 here


if let role = jumperCablesRoles[row] as? [String] {
     employeeListing.text = role.joinWithSeparator("...") // role is guaranteed to be an Array of Strings. Safe to operate on it. 
} else {
     // jumperCablesRoles[row] is not an array of strings, handle so here.

这会检查 jumperCablesRoles[row] 是否是一个实际的字符串数组,而不会爆炸,如果不是,您可以处理它。

要停止转换,您还可以指定 jumperCablesRoles 的类型,如下所示:

jumperCablesRoles: [[String]] = []


employeeListing.text = jumperCablesRoles.joinWithSeparator("...")

其次,回答有关将字符串数组转换为字符串数组的问题(... as![String] as [String])。这行代码本质上是说:

let role = jumperCableRoles[row] as! [String] // role is an Array of Strings
let role2 = role as [String] // Specifying an object as an Array of Strings when it already is an Array of Strings. Which is trivial.

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