android - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlin. jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull

标签 android kotlin illegalargumentexception




覆盖 fun onEditorAction(v: TextView, actionId: Int, event: KeyEvent)

以下是整个代码。此代码最初是在 java 中,我使用 Android Studio 将其转换为 Kotlin,但现在我收到此错误。我尝试重建和清理项目,但没有奏效。

val action = supportActionBar //get the actionbar
action!!.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled(true) //enable it to display a custom view in the action bar.
action.setCustomView(R.layout.search_bar)//add the custom view
action.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false) //hide the title

edtSearch = action.customView.findViewById( as EditText //the text editor

//this is a listener to do a search when the user clicks on search button
edtSearch?.setOnEditorActionListener(object : TextView.OnEditorActionListener {
    override fun onEditorAction(v: TextView, actionId: Int, event: KeyEvent): Boolean {
    if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH) {
         Log.e("TAG","search button pressed")  //doSearch()
         return true
     return false



KeyEvent: If triggered by an enter key, this is the event; otherwise, this is null.

所以你要做的就是让 Kotlin 类型可以为空来解决这个问题,否则注入(inject)的 null 检查会在你的应用程序收到带有 null 的调用时崩溃> 你已经看到的值(value):

edtSearch?.setOnEditorActionListener(object : TextView.OnEditorActionListener {
    override fun onEditorAction(v: TextView, actionId: Int, event: KeyEvent?): Boolean {

更多关于平台类型的解释见 this answer .

关于android - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlin. jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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