ios - 当参与者快速加入时,不会调用 ooVooAVChatDelegate

标签 ios swift oovoo

我正在努力在我的示例应用程序中实现 oovoo sdk。视频传输工作正常,但 ooVooAVChatdelegate 的委托(delegate)方法未被调用。我不确定是什么问题。感谢任何帮助。


 import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController,ooVooAVChatDelegate,ooVooVideoControllerDelegate,ooVooAudioControllerDelegate {

var oovoo:ooVooClient!
var avchat:ooVooAVChat!
var oovoopanel:ooVooVideoPanel!
var videorender:ooVooVideoRender!

@IBOutlet weak var VideoView: UIView!
@IBAction func Join(sender: UIButton) {
@IBOutlet weak var UserName: UITextField!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    oovoo = ooVooClient.sharedInstance()

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

func authorize()
    oovoo.authorizeClient("App Token Here", completion: { (result:SdkResult!) -> Void  in

        let err :sdk_error!=result.Result;
        if (err==sdk_error.OK)
            NSLog("authorization ok");
            NSLog("fail  autorization");     

     func login()
    self.oovoo.Account.login("sample", completion: { (result:SdkResult!) -> Void in
        if result.Result != sdk_error.OK

            NSLog("login ok");

            NSLog("login failed");



// oovooAVChat Delegate

func actJoin(){

    oovoo = ooVooClient.sharedInstance()
    oovoopanel = ooVooVideoPanel.init(frame: self.view.frame)
    self.oovoo.AVChat.VideoController.delegate = self;

    self.oovoo.AVChat.VideoController.bindVideoRender(nil, render: oovoopanel);

    self.oovoo.AVChat.join("1234", user_data: "bhavin");

func didParticipantJoin(participant: ooVooParticipant!, user_data: String!) {

    self.oovoo.AVChat.VideoController.bindVideoRender(participant.participantID, render: oovoopanel)

func didParticipantLeave(participant: ooVooParticipant!) {


func didConferenceStateChange(state: ooVooAVChatState, error code: sdk_error) {
    if state == .Joined && code == sdk_error.OK
    self.oovoo.AVChat.AudioController.initAudio({ (result:SdkResult!) -> Void in
        if result.Result == sdk_error.OK{
    print("conference state changed")

func didReceiveData(uid: String!, data: NSData!) {


func didConferenceError(code: sdk_error) {
    print("conference error")


func didNetworkReliabilityChange(score: NSNumber!) {


func didSecurityState(is_secure: Bool) {


// ooVooVideoControllerDelegate

func didRemoteVideoStateChange(uid: String!, state: ooVooAVChatRemoteVideoState, width: Int32, height: Int32, error code: sdk_error) {


func didCameraStateChange(state: ooVooDeviceState, devId: String!, width: Int32, height: Int32, fps: Int32, error code: sdk_error) {

func didVideoTransmitStateChange(state: Bool, devId: String!, error code: sdk_error) {

    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.title = state ? "Leave" : "Join";


func didVideoPreviewStateChange(state: Bool, devId: String!, error code: sdk_error) {

func didAudioTransmitStateChange(state: Bool, error code: sdk_error) {

func didAudioReceiveStateChange(state: Bool, error code: sdk_error) {

func didAudioHold() {

func didAudioUnHold() {



每当参与者加入时,它都应该调用 didParticipantJoin,但它不会调用 ooVooAVChatDelegate 的任何方法。



您是否在 Objective-C 库和 Swift 之间创建了桥接 header (如此处所示)?

** 编辑 ** 这是我使用的代码,能够触发 didParticipantJoin 委托(delegate)。运行它时,请确保添加您的应用程序 token 并验证授权和登录步骤是否成功。然后我运行了 ooVoo sdk 中包含的示例应用程序。当示例应用程序运行时,设置用户 ID 和显示名称,然后登录。从那里,单击“房间”,输入“123456”作为 session ID,然后单击加入。稍等片刻,didParticipantJoin 委托(delegate)应该会在您的应用中触发。

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, ooVooAVChatDelegate, ooVooVideoControllerDelegate, ooVooAudioControllerDelegate {

  var oovoo:ooVooClient!
  var oovoopanel:ooVooVideoPanel!
  var videorender:ooVooVideoRender!

  @IBOutlet weak var VideoView: UIView!
  @IBAction func Join(sender: UIButton) {
  @IBOutlet weak var UserName: UITextField!

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.oovoo = ooVooClient.sharedInstance()

  override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

  func authorize()
    oovoo.authorizeClient("Your App Token", completion: { (result:SdkResult!) -> Void  in

      let err :sdk_error!=result.Result;
      if (err==sdk_error.OK)
        NSLog("authorization ok");
        NSLog("fail  autorization");


  func login()
      self.oovoo.Account.login("UserName", completion: { (result:SdkResult!) -> Void in
      if result.Result == sdk_error.OK

        NSLog("login ok");

        NSLog("login failed");




  func actJoin() {
    oovoo = ooVooClient.sharedInstance()
    oovoopanel = ooVooVideoPanel.init(frame: self.view.frame)
    self.oovoo.AVChat.VideoController.delegate = self;

    self.oovoo.AVChat.join("123456", user_data: "UserId");

   *  listener method is being called when audio unhold.
  func didAudioUnHold() {


   *  listener method is being called when audio hold.
  func didAudioHold() {


   *  listener method is being called when audio receive state was changed.
   *  @param state - new audio receive state (ON/OFF).
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didAudioReceiveStateChange(state: Bool, error code: sdk_error) {


   *  listener method is being called when audio transmit state was changed.
   *  @param state - new audio transmit state (ON/OFF).
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didAudioTransmitStateChange(state: Bool, error code: sdk_error) {


   *  listener method is being called when preview video state was changed.
   *  @param state - new preview video state (ON/OFF).
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didVideoPreviewStateChange(state: Bool, devId: String!, error code: sdk_error) {


   *  listener method is being called when video transmit state was changed.
   *  @param state - new video transmit state (ON/OFF).
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didVideoTransmitStateChange(state: Bool, devId: String!, error code: sdk_error) {


   *  listener method is being called when camera state was changed.
   *  @param state - new camera state .
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didCameraStateChange(state: ooVooDeviceState, devId: String!, width: Int32, height: Int32, fps: Int32, error code: sdk_error) {

   *  listener method is being called when remote video state has changed.
   *  @param uid -user id of remote video.
   *  @param state - new remote video state.
   *  @param width - picture width.
   *  @param height - picture height.
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didRemoteVideoStateChange(uid: String!, state: ooVooAVChatRemoteVideoState, width: Int32, height: Int32, error code: sdk_error) {


   *  listener method which indicates if user is in secure mode.
   *  @param score - true for secured otherwise false.
  func didSecurityState(is_secure: Bool) {


   *  listener method is being called when network reilability change.
   *  @param score - a number from 1 - 4  1 indicate that network is worse 4 network is best.
  func didNetworkReliabilityChange(score: NSNumber!) {


   *  listener method is being called when conference error is received.
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didConferenceError(code: sdk_error) {


   *  listener method is being called when message is received.
   *  @param uid -user id of remote video.
   *  @param buffer - data which contains the message.
   *  @param size - buffer size.
  internal func didReceiveData(uid: String!, data: NSData!) {


   *  listener method is being called when conference state has changed.
   *  @param state - new conference state.
   *  @param errorCode - conference error code.
  func didConferenceStateChange(state: ooVooAVChatState, error code: sdk_error) {
    if state == .Joined && code == sdk_error.OK
    self.oovoo.AVChat.AudioController.initAudio({ (result:SdkResult!) -> Void in
      if result.Result == sdk_error.OK{
    print("conference state changed")

   *  listener method is being called when new participant left conference.
   *  @param uid - user id of participant.
  func didParticipantLeave(participant: ooVooParticipant!) {


   *  listener method is being called when new participant joined conference.
   *  @param uid - user id of new participant.
   *  @param userData - user data.
  func didParticipantJoin(participant: ooVooParticipant!, user_data: String!) {
    NSLog("Participant Joined!");

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