ios - 为什么 Swift 中的 Apple 示例不适合我?

标签 ios swift swift3 nsurlsession

我正在关注this Swift Post (Apple 于 2016 年 9 月发布)。


extension Restaurant {
    private let urlComponents: URLComponents // base URL components of the web service
    private let session: URLSession // shared session for interacting with the web service

    static func restaurants(matching query: String, completion: ([Restaurant]) -> Void) {
        var searchURLComponents = urlComponents
        searchURLComponents.path = "/search"
        searchURLComponents.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "q", value: query)]
        let searchURL = searchURLComponents.url!

        session.dataTask(url: searchURL, completion: { (_, _, data, _)
            var restaurants: [Restaurant] = []

            if let data = data,
                let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] {
                for case let result in json["results"] {
                    if let restaurant = Restaurant(json: result) {



Cannot invoke 'dataTask' with an argument list of type '(with: String, completionHandler: () -> ())'

为什么该帖子与 XCode 8.1 告诉我的内容存在差异?他们都在相似的时间被释放。

我使用的是 Swift 3.0


您缺少 in 关键字,应该是。

编辑: 正如@leo 指出的,你的参数列表也是错误的,更改自: (_、_、数据、_)(数据、响应、错误)


session.dataTask(url: searchURL, completion: { (data, response, error) in

请注意行尾的in。这是 closures taking arguments 的语法.

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