ios - 从 Firebase 数据拉取初始化类

标签 ios swift firebase firebase-realtime-database

我正在尝试创建一个带有可失败初始化程序的类,该初始化程序采用 FIRUser 和 FIRDatabaseReference。它从 Firebase 数据库下载数据,并根据返回的内容设置自己的变量。否则,初始化程序应该会失败。



    init?(from user: FIRUser, withUserReference ref: FIRDatabaseReference){
    let userID = user.uid

    var init_succeeded = false

    //These values don't matter. If the init fails
    //It'll return an empty class.
    //Yes this is a hack lol

    self.incognito = false = "NO"
    self.username = "NOPE"
    self.ref = ref
    self.fir_user = user
    self.mute_all = false

    //Getting the information from the database
    ref.child(userID).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
        // Get user value
        let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
        //Unpacking user preferences
        self.incognito = (value?["incognito"] as? Bool)!
        self.mute_all = (value?["mute_all"] as? Bool)! = (value?["email"] as? String)!
        self.username = (value?["username"] as? String)!
        init_succeeded = true
    }) { (error) in
        print("ERROR : \(error.localizedDescription)")

    if !init_succeeded { return nil }

谢谢! - 基南



当函数依赖于异步语句时,您不应该返回函数的值。 此方法将始终返回 nil,因为 init_succeeded 很可能在该方法返回后设置为 true。请记住,Firebase 查询是异步的,因此一旦您调用 observeSingleEvent,该函数不会等待该语句完成执行,它只是异步运行它并继续执行其余代码(即在本例中为 return)。


init(from user: FIRUser, withUserReference ref: FIRDatabaseReference, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){
let userID = user.uid

// default values
self.incognito = false = "NO"
self.username = "NOPE"
self.ref = ref
self.fir_user = user
self.mute_all = false

//Getting the information from the database
ref.child(userID).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
    // Get user value
    let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
    //Unpacking user preferences
    self.incognito = (value?["incognito"] as? Bool)!
    self.mute_all = (value?["mute_all"] as? Bool)! = (value?["email"] as? String)!
    self.username = (value?["username"] as? String)!

    completion(true)     // true = success
}) { (error) in
    completion(false)    // false = failed
    print("ERROR : \(error.localizedDescription)")



let myObject = myClass(from: someUser, withUserReference: someRef, completion: { success in
if success {
    // initialization succeeded
else {
    // initialization failed

我建议一般不要检索初始化程序中的数据。也许编写另一个专门用于检索数据的函数,并仅在 init()


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