ios - 可以将类型 '__NSArray0' 的值转换为 'CIRectangleFeature'

标签 ios objective-c arrays swift

我一直在 Objective C 中使用一些代码,对在 AVCaptureStillImageOutput 中捕获的 CIImage 执行 CIDetector。我的目标是将其转换为 swift 3。我已将其全部转换为 swift 3,但我在我的 CIRectangleFeature 方法中收到了 this Could not cast 错误。所以我来这里寻求帮助,因为我已经为此工作好几天了,但无法做好。我确信这是我忽略的简单事情。

这是 Objective C 中的代码

- (CIRectangleFeature *)_biggestRectangleInRectangles:(NSArray     *)rectangles
if (!rectangles.count) return nil;

float halfPerimiterValue = 0;

CIRectangleFeature *biggestRectangle = rectangles.firstObject;

for (CIRectangleFeature *rect in rectangles)
    CGPoint p1 = rect.topLeft;
    CGPoint p2 = rect.topRight;
    CGFloat width = hypotf(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y);

    CGPoint p3 = rect.topLeft;
    CGPoint p4 = rect.bottomLeft;
    CGFloat height = hypotf(p3.x - p4.x, p3.y - p4.y);

    CGFloat currentHalfPerimiterValue = height + width;

    if (halfPerimiterValue < currentHalfPerimiterValue)
        halfPerimiterValue = currentHalfPerimiterValue;
        biggestRectangle = rect;

return biggestRectangle;


这个函数被另一个函数调用,这里是 Objective C 中的

- (CIRectangleFeature *)biggestRectangleInRectangles:(NSArray *)rectangles
    CIRectangleFeature *rectangleFeature = [self _biggestRectangleInRectangles:rectangles];

现在,如果 if 像这样返回 true

if (self.isBorderDetectionEnabled)
    if (_borderDetectFrame)
        _borderDetectLastRectangleFeature = [self biggestRectangleInRectangles:[[self highAccuracyRectangleDetector] featuresInImage:image]];
        _borderDetectFrame = NO;


现在我把它翻译成这样的 swift 3

func bigRectangle(rectangles: [Any]) -> CIRectangleFeature {

    var halfPerimiterValue: Float = 0
    var biggestRectangles: CIRectangleFeature? = rectangles.first as! CIRectangleFeature? // This is the line causing the casting error
    for rect: CIRectangleFeature in rectangles as! [CIRectangleFeature]{
        let p1: CGPoint = rect.topLeft
        let p2: CGPoint = rect.topRight
        let width: CGFloat = CGFloat(hypotf(Float(p1.x) - Float(p2.x), Float(p1.y) - Float(p2.y)))
        let p3: CGPoint = rect.topLeft
        let p4: CGPoint = rect.bottomLeft
        let height: CGFloat = CGFloat(hypotf(Float(p3.x) - Float(p4.x), Float(p3.y) - Float(p4.y)))
        let currentHalfPerimiterValue: CGFloat = height + width
        if halfPerimiterValue < Float(currentHalfPerimiterValue) {
            halfPerimiterValue = Float(currentHalfPerimiterValue)
            biggestRectangles = rect
    return biggestRectangles!

我在 swift 3 中调用它基本上与 Objective C 的方式相同

func biggestRectangle(rectangles: [Any]) -> CIRectangleFeature {
    let rectangleFeature: CIRectangleFeature? = self.bigRectangle(rectangles: rectangles)

该函数的调用方式与 Objective C 中的调用方式相同。

if self.isEnableBorderDetection == true{
        if self.borderDetectFrames == true {
            self.borderDetectLastRectangleFeature = self.biggestRectangle(rectangles: [self.highAccuracyRectangleDetector().features(in: image)])
            self.borderDetectFrames = false

从函数内部 func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutputSampleBuffer SampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer?, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {}

现在我尝试在两个函数中将数组类型从 [Any] 更改为 [CIRectangleFeature],但随后我遇到了 CIFeature 问题是一个不相关的类型。





let rectangleFeature: CIRectangleFeature? = self.biggestRectangle(rectangles: [self.highAccuracyRectangleDetector().features(in: enhancedImage!)])

关于ios - 可以将类型 '__NSArray0' 的值转换为 'CIRectangleFeature',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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