ios - 使用 UiButton 反复更改 UILabel 文本

标签 ios arrays swift uibutton uilabel


func theFirstTwoQuestions() {

    // the questions will be contained in an Array
    // change the question label to one of the array values
    // when I press reset the next question will appear

    //self.questionLabel.text? = "\(questionsOneTwo)"
    questionLabel.isHidden = false
    var arrayQuestions = ["What's your name?", "How old are you", "your favorite color is?"]

    for question in arrayQuestions {

        questionLabel.text = arrayQuestions.first

    resetButton(sender: UIButton)
    arrayQuestions.remove(at: 1)
    questionLabel.text = arrayQuestions.first // "How old are you" is now the first question



func theFirstTwoQuestions() 

// the questions will be contained in an Array
// change the question label to one of the array values
// when I press reset the next question will appear

    questionLabel.isHidden = false
    var arrayQuestions = ["What's your name?", "How old are you", "your favorite color is?"]
    var count = 0

    func onTapResetButton(sender: UIButton)
        self.questionLabel.text = self.arrayQuestions[count] as? String
        if(count < arrayQuestions.count-1)
            count += 1
            count = 0

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