swift - 遍历scrollView,找到点击的imageView

标签 swift imageview scrollview uitapgesturerecognizer

我有一个水平滚动的 ScrollView,它有很多 imageView。我想突出显示用户单击的 imageView,但我不知道如何执行此操作。我在图像中添加了点击手势:

let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(imgTapped(_:)))

但我不确定在此处的 imgTapped 函数中要做什么...我为每个 imageView 都有一个唯一的标签。



如果您拥有所有 imageView 的集合,您可以执行以下操作:

func imgTapped(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    // get the tag for the clicked imageView
    guard let tag = sender.view?.tag else { return }

    let imageView = ImageViews.filter { $0.tag == tag }.first

否则,您可以迭代 scrollViews subview ,查看注释并查看代码中发生的情况:

func imgTapped(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    // get the tag for the clicked imageView
    guard let tag = sender.view?.tag else { return }

    // iterate through your scrollViews subviews
    // and check if it´s an imageView
    for case let imageView as UIImageView in self.imageScrollView.subviews {
        // check if the tag matches the clicked tag
        if imageView.tag == tag {
            // this is the tag the user has clicked on
            // highlight it here

关于swift - 遍历scrollView,找到点击的imageView,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43812894/


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