ios - 在标签中显示某个 firebase 子项的值

标签 ios swift firebase firebase-realtime-database

我想在标签中显示某个 Firebase 子项数据的值。


let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()

ref.child("users").queryOrderedByKey().observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in

let users = snapshot.value as! [String : AnyObject]

               for (_, value) in users {
                   if let fullName = value["name"] as? String {
                       if let role = value["role"] as? String {
                           if let mtid = value["mtid"] as? Int {

                               let userNAME = fullName
                               let userROLE = role
                               let userMTID = mtid

                                 print("ID: \(mtid) and NAME: \(fullName) and ROLE: \(role)")

                                  self.mtidLabel.text = userMTID
                                  self.roleLabel.text = userROLE
                                  self.nameLabel.text = userNAME


    - 1234567
        * mtid: 1234567
        * name: "John Smith"
        * role: "coordinator"
    - 2278433
        * mtid: 2278433
        * name: "John Doe"
        * role: "developer"
    - 2317894
        * mtid: 2317894
        * name: "Doe Smith"
        * role: "crew"

本质上,如果用户在文本框中输入一串数字,例如 2317894,我希望它将 child 的 mtid 值显示为 2317894,名称为“Doe Smith”,角色为“crew”,所有这些都单独显示文本框。




我已经回答了我自己的问题。 我在代码中更改了以下内容

删除了用户中的for (_, value)

let users = snapshot.value 更改为! [String : AnyObject]让 users = snapshot.value 作为! NSDictionary

ref.child("users").queryOrderedByKey() 之间添加了 .child(self.TEXTBOX_THAT_CONTAINS_CHILD_NUMBER_EG_1234567.text!)


ref.child("users").child(self.TEXTBOX_THAT_CONTAINS_CHILD_NUMBER_EG_1234567.text!).queryOrderedByKey().observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in

  let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! NSDictionary
     if let fullName = snapshotValue["name"] as? String {
      if let role = snapshotValue["role"] as? String {
       if let mtid = snapshotValue["mtid"] as? Int {
         let userNAME = fullName
         let userROLE = role
         let userMTID = mtid
         print("ID: \(mtid) and NAME: \(fullName) and ROLE: \(role)")

         self.mtidLabel.text = userMTID
         self.roleLabel.text = userROLE
         self.nameLabel.text = userNAME


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