ios - 如何设置 UIImage 数组中的第二个或中间图像? ( swift 3)

标签 ios swift uiimage

我正在使用 imagePicker,它使我能够选择 4 个图像并创建所选图像的数组。我想用我选择的 4 个图像设置 4 个空 UIImageView 的图像。使用图像数组:images.first,我可以将第一个空 UIImageView 设置为我选择的第一张图像。我还可以使用 images.last 设置另一个空的 UIImageView 来获取第四个选定的图像。

如何将空 UIImageViews 的图像设置为我选择的第二个和第三个图像?

我正在使用“if let”检查数组的第一个和最后一个元素,但我不知道是否可以对第二个和第三个元素进行“if let”检查,以防止我的应用程序如果我不选择四个图像,则会崩溃。

    func doneButtonDidPress(_ imagePicker: ImagePickerController, images: [UIImage]) {

       let images = imageAssets

       if let imageOne = images.first {

        profileImageViewOne.image = imageOne


       profileImageViewTwo.image = images[1]
       profileImageViewThree.image = images[2]

       if let imageFour = images.last {

        profileImageViewFour.image = imageFour




您不需要使用 if let 语句,因为如果您使用索引从图像数组中获取图像,在这种情况下它们始终是非可选的。


func doneButtonDidPress(_ imagePicker: ImagePickerController, images: [UIImage]) {

switch images.count {
    case 1:
    profileImageViewOne.image = images.first //you don't need to unwrap it, because imageView.image is an optional parameter
    case 2:
    profileImageViewOne.image = images.first
    profileImageViewTwo.image = images[1]
    case 3:
    profileImageViewOne.image = images.first
    profileImageViewTwo.image = images[1]
    profileImageViewThree.image = images.last
    case 4:
    //same way
    default: break

还有另一种方法来填充 ImageView 。您也可以将 imageviews 的引用添加到数组中(例如在 viewDidLoad() 中)。


let views: [UIImageView] = [] //first we need to allocate an array
//then fill it inside viewDidLoad() or whatever
views = [profileImageViewOne, profileImageViewTwo, ...]


    func doneButtonDidPress(_ imagePicker: ImagePickerController, images: [UIImage]) {

         //fill imageviews in order according to images count
         for (index, image) in images.enumerated() {
             let imageView = views[index]
             imageView.image = image

         //if images count = 2, that method will fill only two imageviews with same indexes as images have. But it will not clear those views, that are out of range of images array
         //so if you need to clear them if images.count < views.count, you can use this:
         //put it before setting images to views, it will clear all imageviews
         views.forEach({$0.image == nil})


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