ios - 用户选择的 swift 3 重复间隔内的本地通知

标签 ios swift uilocalnotification nsnotificationcenter usernotifications

我正在尝试编写一些代码,允许用户设置自定义本地通知以提醒他们一些任务。 我正在使用用户通知框架。 所以基本上用户可以决定设置一个通知,提醒他每周买一些肥皂或每年许生日愿望或每月检查一些东西(这些只是示例)。


func scheduleNotif() {
    let dateformatter = DateFormatter()
    dateformatter.dateStyle = DateFormatter.Style.medium
    dateformatter.timeStyle = DateFormatter.Style.short
    let dateFromString = selectDateTextField.text!)
    let fireDateOfNotification: Date = dateFromString!

    //if notif are allowed
    let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
    content.title = notifTitleTextField.text!
    content.body = notifNoteTextView.text
    content.sound = UNNotificationSound.default()
    content.badge = UIApplication.shared.applicationIconBadgeNumber + 1 as NSNumber

    let triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day,.hour,.minute,.second,], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: triggerDate,
                                                repeats: false)
    //Schedule the Notification
    let titleNospace = notifTitleTextField.text?.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
    let identifier = titleNospace
    let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: identifier!, content: content, trigger: trigger), withCompletionHandler: { (error) in
        if let error = error {

日期是从日期选择器中选择的。 现在,我希望用户从另一个选择器中选择重复间隔(无、每日、每周、每月、每年和特定日期)。 我不知道如何才能实现这一目标。我需要使用 if else if 语句吗? (对我来说这似乎不太正确。) 有更好的方法来实现这一目标吗? 谢谢!



let dateformatter = DateFormatter()
dateformatter.dateStyle = .medium
dateformatter.timeStyle = .short
let dateFromString = selectDateTextField.text!)
let fireDateOfNotification: Date = dateFromString!

var trigger: UNCalendarNotificationTrigger
var triggerDate: DateComponents
var repeatInterval = Bool()

if repeatingInterval == "Hourly" {
    triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.minute], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    repeatInterval = true
} else if repeatingInterval == "Daily" {
    triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    repeatInterval = true
} else if repeatingInterval == "Weekly" {
    triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.weekday, .hour, .minute], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    repeatInterval = true
} else if repeatingInterval == "Monthly" {
    triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .hour, .minute], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    repeatInterval = true
} else if repeatingInterval == "Yearly" {
    triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month, .day, .hour, .minute], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    repeatInterval = true
} else {
    triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day,.hour,.minute,.second,], from: fireDateOfNotification)
    repeatInterval = false

trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: triggerDate, repeats: repeatInterval)

//Schedule the Notification

尚未找到一种方法来安排不同的时间间隔(例如每两周、每两天、每六个月等)。 我还是会调查一下。 :)

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