swift - 在菜单栏应用程序中拖动并调整我的 NSPopover 大小(快速)

标签 swift macos resize nspopover

我需要在菜单栏应用程序中调整 NSPopver 的大小。这是我的方法:

override func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) {
    let appDelegate : AppDelegate = NSApplication.shared().delegate as! AppDelegate
    let originSize = appDelegate.popover.contentSize

    let currentLocation = NSWindow().mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream

    let delta_x = NSWindow().mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream.x - currentLocation.x
    let delta_y = NSWindow().mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream.y - currentLocation.y

    let newWidth = originSize.width + delta_x
    let newHeight = originSize.height + delta_y

    appDelegate.popover.contentSize = NSSize(width: newWidth, height: newHeight)


  1. NSPopover 调整大小操作无法准确执行。
  2. 我希望当光标悬停到 NSPopover 边框时光标变为箭头,如何实现?


我尝试过NSPopOver & NSViewController - Drag to resize解决办法:

here is the effect

这是转换为 swift3 版本的代码:

override func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) {
    var currentLocation = NSEvent.mouseLocation()

    var newOrigin   = currentLocation
    let screenFrame = NSScreen.main()?.frame

    newOrigin.x     = screenFrame!.size.width - currentLocation.x
    newOrigin.y     = screenFrame!.size.height - currentLocation.y

    // Don't let window get dragged up under the menu bar
    if newOrigin.x < 260 {
        newOrigin.x = 260

    if newOrigin.y < 300 {
        newOrigin.y = 300

    let appDelegate : AppDelegate = NSApplication.shared().delegate as! AppDelegate
    appDelegate.popover.contentSize = NSSize(width: newOrigin.x, height: newOrigin.y)


This is what I expect to achieve


PopoverResize 允许用户调整菜单栏 NSPopover 的大小。它还包括边缘光标。


关于swift - 在菜单栏应用程序中拖动并调整我的 NSPopover 大小(快速),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46631080/


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