Swift Firebase嵌套 child 字典删除

标签 swift firebase firebase-realtime-database nested

firebase structure

在 firebase 结构中,您可以看到我必须删除所有组中的特定用户(currentUserId):



 let groupsRef = self.root.child("groups")
groupsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
    for groupChild in snapshot.children {
        let groupSnap = groupChild as! DataSnapshot
        var dict = groupSnap.value as! [String: Any]
            let uid = dict["utenti"] as! [String: Bool]
        for each in uid {                
            if each.key == self.currentUserID{
      //i now need a way to remove this key:value


我是新来的,所以我无法进一步提取字典的每个键,而不是与我必须删除的键进行比较,如果相同,我将删除。 有人可以帮忙吗?


          let groupsRef = self.root.child("groups")
                    groupsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in

                        for groupChild in snapshot.children {
                            let groupSnap = groupChild as! DataSnapshot
                            let groupKey = groupSnap.key
                            //added a groupKey to track the id of each group
                            var dict = groupSnap.value as! [String: Any]
                            var uid = dict["utenti"] as! [String: Bool]

                            //then for each key:value in uid check if is there a key = to currentuserID
                            for each in uid {

                                if each.key == self.currentUserID{
                                    uid.removeValue(forKey: each.key)
                                  //here you remove currentuserId from the dictionary and below 
                                 //finally you set back the new value of the dictionary without currentuserId



关于Swift Firebase嵌套 child 字典删除,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47797356/


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