ios - 数组和表格 View : only add new items

标签 ios arrays swift uitableview


在我的 swift 应用程序中有一个变量,让我们用一些随机值填充它

var globalMessages:

["uid": 1, "msg": "test1"],
["uid": 2, "msg": "test2"],
["uid": 3, "msg": "test3"],

我使用 urlSession 从网络获取这些数据:

["uid": 1, "msg": "test1"],
    ["uid": 10, "msg": "NEW"], //new data
["uid": 2, "msg": "test2"],
["uid": 3, "msg": "test3"]

然后我不想重新加载所有表格:我只想将 ["uid": 10, "msg": "NEW"] 新消息添加到 1 之间的表格中. 和 2. 用户的消息,用柔和的动画推送两条已经存在的消息。



如果某些项目不再位于新获取的数据中,则使用动画将其从表格 View 中删除。 ??


override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return globalMessages.count

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "BubbleCell", for: indexPath) as! BubbleCell

        let bubble = globalMessages[indexPath.row]

        cell.messageLabel.text = bubble.message

        let typeColor = UIColor(rgb: 0xE2E2E2)

        if let image = UIImage(named: "bubble") {
            let h = image.size.height / 2
            let w = image.size.width / 2
            cell.bubbleImageView.image = image
                    UIEdgeInsetsMake(h, w, h, w),
                                resizingMode: .stretch).withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
            cell.bubbleImageView.tintColor = typeColor.withAlphaComponent(0.85)

        return cell

并且应用程序每 10 秒使用一个全局计时器将数据从网络下载到 globalMessages 数组中,然后通过通知推送重新加载表格:

@objc func notification_reloadTableView(){
        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in
            let range = NSMakeRange(0, self.tableView.numberOfSections)
            let sections = NSIndexSet(indexesIn: range)
            self.tableView.reloadSections(sections as IndexSet, with: UITableViewRowAnimation.fade)



// For simplicity, I'm pretending you have a "Message" object that
// would be in each element of that array you are using.

// This would be a private class level variable.
var messageLookup: [String : Message] = [:]

// And then later, probably in a method you can do the following:

var newMessages: [Message] = []
var updatedMessageLookup: [String : Message] = [:]

// You just got your new batch of messages, I'll say they're in
// an array called "messages".
for message in messages
    if messageLookup[message.UID] == nil
       // It's not in your lookup, so it is new.

    // As we enumerate, build up what will become the new lookup.
    updatedMessageLookup[message.UID] = message

messageLookup = updatedMessageLookup

最后,newMessages 数组将包含您的新消息。

关于ios - 数组和表格 View : only add new items,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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