ios - Swift 中的 Flurry 推送通知

标签 ios swift flurry

我正在使用 Flurry 尝试发送推送通知,Flurry 的所有其他元素(如分析、事件等)的教程都有 Swift 和 Obj-C,但是对于 Push 来说,所有元素都在 Obj-C 中。

我添加了 flurry ios sdk,一切正常,因为我可以在 flurry 网站上看到我的数据。


Include FlurryMessaging.h

如何在 Swift 中包含 .h 文件?

然后它要求我执行以下操作,但不是在 Swift 中

(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

//Step1 : Call the Integration API

[FlurryMessaging setAutoIntegrationForMessaging];

//Step2 (Optional): Get a callback

[FlurryMessaging setMessagingDelegate:self];

FlurrySessionBuilder* builder = [[[FlurrySessionBuilder alloc] withIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics:YES];

[Flurry startSession:@”API_KEY” withOptions:launchOptions withSessionBuilder:builder];

return YES;


Implement the Delegate method for Received
-(void) didReceiveMessage:(nonnull FlurryMessage*)message


NSLog(@”didReceiveMessage = %@”, [message description]);

//App specific implementation


Implement the Delegate method for Clicked
-(void) didReceiveActionWithIdentifier:(nullable NSString*)identifier message:(nonnull FlurryMessage*)message


NSLog(@”didReceiveAction %@ , Message = %@”,identifier, [message description]);

//Any app specific logic goes here.

//Ex: Deeplink logic (loading of viewControllers (nibs or storboards),

//additional logging, etc



如果您通过 Cocoapods 进行集成,请确保在您的 podfile 中包含“Flurry-iOS-SDK/FlurryMessaging”。如果有,那么您可以通过将其添加到导入语句来访问消息传递方法:



func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {


//And set up your Builder:

let builder = FlurrySessionBuilder.init()


Flurry.startSession("YOUR_API_KEY", with: builder)
return true

实现 Received 的委托(delegate)方法

func didReceive(_ message: FlurryMessage) {
    print("Did Receive Message")
    //App specific implementation

实现 Clicked 的委托(delegate)方法

func didReceiveAction(withIdentifier identifier: String?, message: FlurryMessage) {
    print("Message Clicked")
    //Any app specific logic goes here.

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