ios - 允许在数组中选择一个 UIButton 并取消选择其他 UIButton

标签 ios swift uibutton selected selectedvalue

应用程序从 API 产品选项加载,例如电子商务应用程序的颜色和尺寸。现在,我有点陷入代码困境。


func imgSelected(_ sender: RadioButton) {
    guard let currentButton = sender as? UIButton else { return }

    if ((currentButton.isSelected) != nil){
        currentButton.isSelected = true
        var dict = JSON(self.catalogProductViewModel.getOption[(sender.superview?.tag)!]);
        let productOptionArray : JSON = JSON(dict["product_option_value"].arrayObject!)
        imageId[(sender.superview?.tag)!] = productOptionArray[sender.tag]["product_option_value_id"].stringValue
        currentButton.layer.borderWidth = 3.0
        currentButton.layer.borderColor =
        print("Button Not Clicked \((sender as? RadioButton)?.tag)")
    } else {
        currentButton.layer.borderWidth = 0
        currentButton.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
        print("Button Removed \((sender as? RadioButton)?.tag)")


        else if dict["type"].stringValue == "image" {
            if dict["required"].intValue == 1{
                if imageId[i] == ""{
                    isValid = 1;
                    errorMessage = errorMessage+dict["name"].stringValue

                    print("Error Message", errorMessage)
                    optionDictionary[dict["product_option_id"].stringValue] = imageId[i] as AnyObject
                    print("Else is Valid 0", optionDictionary[dict["product_option_id"].stringValue] )

                optionDictionary[dict["product_option_id"].stringValue] = imageId[i] as AnyObject
                print("Stand Alone", optionDictionary[dict["product_option_id"].stringValue])




   //This is the implementation of my custom button
class RadioButton: UIButton {
   override var isSelected: Bool {
       didSet {

   private func refresh() {
       //Here We will do when button state changed to selected (maybe radion image selected/ unselected)
       if isSelected {
           //do the selection
           layer.borderWidth = 1.0
        layer.borderColor =
       } else {
           //clear the selection
           layer.borderWidth = 0.0
        layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

     @IBOutlet var radioButtons: [RadioButton]!

    //let say when buttons is clicked we get the call to this function'
    @IBAction private func radioButtonTapped(_ sender: RadioButton) {

        //first clear the buttons selected state

        //now select the one that triggered this function
        sender.isSelected = true

  //clears selected state for all buttons
  private func clearAllSelection() {
      radioButtons.forEach {
         $0.isSelected = false


好吧,最后我有时间研究一下 RadioButton 库,我认为您可能忘记对按钮进行分组,以便它们都属于同一组,因此只会从该组中选择一个。我使用库 createButtonMethod 创建了一个小示例。请检查并告诉我这是否是您想要的。

func createButtons() {

    let xpos: CGFloat = 50
    var ypos: CGFloat = 100

    for i in 1...3 {

        //create the button with frame
        let frame = CGRect(x: xpos, y: ypos, width: 60, height: 50) //frame for the button
        let radioButton = RadioButton(frame: frame)
        radioButton.backgroundColor =

        //append that button

        //increase the ypos
        ypos += 65

        //set the tag
        radioButton.tag = i

        //add the target
        radioButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(radioButtonSelected(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)

        //set the selected and unselected state image of radio button
        radioButton.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "checked"), for: .selected)
        radioButton.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "unchecked"), for: .normal)

        //finally add that button to the view


    //set the group
    buttonArray.first!.groupButtons = buttonArray

    //set first one slected
    buttonArray.first!.isSelected = true


@objc func radioButtonSelected(_ sender: RadioButton) {
    debugPrint("TAG : \(sender.tag)")

这里buttonArray是变量var buttonArray = [RadioButton]()

关于ios - 允许在数组中选择一个 UIButton 并取消选择其他 UIButton,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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