ios - 当单词出现在数组标签中时设置图像

标签 ios swift uiimage uilabel

当标签显示随机数组中的某个单词时,我试图将 ImageView 设置为某个图像。

当特定单词是数组中标签的文本时,图片应该设置为 ImageView 。


    let freeMoodArray = ["Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Annoyed", "Curious", "Bored", "Chilled", "Furious", "Excited", "Scared", "Emotionless", "Shocked", "Tired", "Sick", "Amused"]


self.moodAnswer.text = "\(self.freeMoodArray.randomElement()!)"

现在,当我加载 View 时,图像会从正在运行的数组中选择一个随机单词。现在,假设标签文本为 Happy。 我只想设置一个特定的图像,只有当它说快乐时。

这是我的代码,它不起作用:(此函数在 viewDidLoad() 中调用)

    func emojiMood() {
    if moodAnswer.text == "Happy" {
        emojiImg.image = UIImage(named: "happy.png")



// create a variable
var moodAnswer :  string = "" {
   didSet {
       // if or switchCase, set image only if the text is equal to Happy
       if moodAnswer == "Happy" {
          emojiImg.image = UIImage(named: "happy.png")
       // always set text field with new updated text
       self.moodAnswerLabel.text = moodAnswer

// in your code always set moodAnswer variable, this is more clean and also you set label and image only in a single place
self.moodAnswer = "\(self.freeMoodArray.randomElement()!)"

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