swift - 如何使用自定义类型存储和检索变量

标签 swift nsobject codable nscoding

我有一个类型为 ETIdentity 的变量 identity,我需要将其存储在 ViewController1 中并在 ViewController2 中检索,

View Controller 1

var activationCodeFromCore, serialNumberFromCore, entityNameFromCore, deviceIdFromCore, registrationCodeFromCore, entityFromCore: String?
    var activationCode, serialNumber, entityName, deviceId, registrationCode, entity: String?
    var counter: Int = 0
var storedIdentity: ETIdentity?


let storedIdentity = BridgeSDKUtils.performClassicActivation("26586-05858", withActivationCode: "8998-6857-1357-1870", "entidad0");
        GlobalIdentity.identity = storedIdentity;
func softTokenDataService() {

        let storedIdentity = BridgeSDKUtils.performClassicActivation("26586-05858", withActivationCode: "8998-6857-1357-1870", "entidad0");
        GlobalIdentity.identity = storedIdentity;

        self.activationCode = "8998-6857-1357-1870"
        self.serialNumber = "26586-05858"
        self.entityName = "entityData\(counter)"
        self.deviceId = "\(String(describing: storedIdentity?.deviceId))"
        self.registrationCode = "\(String(describing: storedIdentity?.registrationCode))"
        self.entity = "\(storedIdentity!)"


func getEntityCore()
        //Variables that are going to be stored
        self.activationCodeFromCore = activationCode
        self.serialNumberFromCore = serialNumber
        self.entityNameFromCore = entityName
        self.deviceIdFromCore = deviceId
        self.registrationCodeFromCore = registrationCode
        self.entityFromCore = storedIdentity


//SecureStorage Function
func saveEntityToCoreData()-> Bool {


        var SavedItem:Bool = true

        var arr : [[String: Any]] = [[
            "activationCode": self.activationCodeFromCore,
            "serialNumber": self.serialNumberFromCore,
            "entityName": self.entityNameFromCore,
            "deviceId": self.deviceIdFromCore,
            "registrationCode": self.registrationCodeFromCore,
            "entity": self.entityFromCore]]

        let jsonData = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: arr, options: [.prettyPrinted])
        let json = String(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!

        if self.saveRutSwitchOn
            SecureData.save(key: "entityData0)", data: json.data(using: .utf8)!)
        SavedItem = self.saveRutSwitchOn

        return SavedItem


struct Person {
    var activationCode: String
    var serialNumber: String
    var entityName: String
    var deviceId: String
    var registrationCode: String
    var entity: String

struct EntityModel: Codable {
    let activationCode, serialNumber, entityName, deviceId, registrationCode, entity: String?

if let loadedData = SecureData.load(key: "entityData0") {
            do {
                let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
                let entityData = try decoder.decode([EntityModel].self, from: loadedData)
                entityData.forEach { (EntityModel) in

//Here I Imagine something like this
//var identity: ETIdentity?
//identity = EntityModel.entity
////Here I have the identity, so I can manipulate it like needed, because is from type ETIdentity I can access its methods.

            } catch {



struct GlobalIdentity{

    static var identity : ETIdentity?



@interface ETIdentity : NSObject<NSCoding> {

编辑 问题是变量 entity (我需要在 ViewController2 中调用它的参数)不是一个字符串,所以它崩溃了,它不起作用。我还尝试将变量标识设置为我需要的类型 var Identity: ETIdentity?,但是 ETIdentity 不在与 Codable 的协议(protocol)中(与结构一起使用,这样我就可以在 ViewController2 中调用它们)


我读了你的问题,发现你缺少的基本事情是你的实体似乎是另一种模型,例如字典或其他类型(如果它是字典),然后执行此操作。目前您的 SecureData.load(key: "entityData0") 包含返回实体模型数组的所有数据,并且您的数据对象 loadedData 必须包含 entity 对象,为什么不尝试像这样为您的 entity 实现 Codable 呢?

struct SortedArryModel: Codable {
var sorterarrkey: String? // if your array contain strings


之后你就可以得到像[key:string]这样的数组,只需将该字符串转换为数组即可。 建议:在你的情况下最好使用 JsonSerialization 而不是 codable,如果你仍然想应用 codable 那么你的元素应该符合 codable 协议(protocol)。就像我上面提到的,将您的实体实现为符合可编码协议(protocol)的模型。

关于swift - 如何使用自定义类型存储和检索变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56284761/


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