macos - NSURLDownload:断言失败([path isAbsolutePath])麻烦

标签 macos swift cocoa nsurldownload


Assertion failed: ([path isAbsolutePath]), function -[NSURLDownload     setDestination:allowOverwrite:], file /SourceCache/CFNetwork/CFNetwork-720.5.7/Foundation/, line 370.


    var imageRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: self.source)
    var imageDownload = NSURLDownload(request: imageRequest, delegate:self)
    var error: NSError? = NSError()

    /* does path exist */
    let directoryPath = self.destination.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
    let fileMgr = NSFileManager();
    fileMgr.createDirectoryAtPath(directoryPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil, error: &error)
    imageDownload.setDestination(self.destination, allowOverwrite: true);

当我单步执行代码时,一切看起来都是正确的。 self.source 是 ( NSURL

self.destination 是我系统中的完整路径(文件:/Users/ryan/Library/Application%20Support/AppName/downloadimage.jpg)



要回答您的特定主题的问题: 错误消息表明您的路径无效。为图像创建路径的正确方法如下:

let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()

var folder = "~/Library/Application Support/[APPNAME]/someFolder" as NSString
folder = folder.stringByExpandingTildeInPath

if fileManager.fileExistsAtPath(folder as String) == false {
    do {
        try fileManager.createDirectoryAtPath(folder as String, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)

    catch {
       //Deal with the error

但是 @jtbandes是对的。您应该使用 NSURLSessionDownloadTask 来下载文件。 它是 Foundation.framework 的一部分,可在 OS X、iOS 和 watchOS 上使用。

使用它的原因是Apple不断更新这个Api以满足最新标准。例如,您无需担心 IPv4 或 IPv6 等。这可以避免应用程序崩溃和奇怪的行为。


var imageRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: self.source)
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let downloadTask = session.downloadTaskWithRequest(imageRequest) { (url: NSURL?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
    //Work with data


请注意,url 是下载图像的路径。

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