iphone - iOS 上的圆形按钮

标签 iphone objective-c ios button geometry

是否可以创建两个如下图所示的按钮?看起来您应该使用 UIButton 或 UIImageView,但如果我单击到区域 1,它仍然像单击按钮 1 一样。当我单击到区域 1 时,按钮 2 也应该被触发!

enter image description here


如果上述响应 Not Acceptable ,您可以实现 UIButton 的自定义子类来覆盖 pointInside:withEvent: .

假设您的 View 完全是正方形,图形完全是圆形并填满整个正方形,例如:

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    // check that the point is at least inside the normal rect
    if(![super pointInside:point withEvent:event]) return NO;

    // we'll assume a square view with an exact circle inside, so
    // the radius of the circle is just half the width
    CGFloat radius = self.bounds.size.width*0.5f;

    // the point (radius, radius) is also the centre of the view, so...
    CGFloat squareOfDistanceFromCentre =
          (radius - point.x)*(radius - point.x) +
          (radius - point.y)*(radius - point.y);

    // if the point is too far away, return NO
    if(squareOfDistanceFromCentre > radius*radius) return NO;

    // otherwise we've exhausted possible reasons for answering NO
    return YES;

关于iphone - iOS 上的圆形按钮,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9871740/


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