matlab - 选择用于图像识别的神经网络变量

标签 matlab machine-learning neural-network octave

我有一个训练集,其中包含 6 个不同多米诺骨牌的 89 张图像以及一个婴儿的“控制”组 - 全部分为 7 组。因此,输出 y 为 7。每个图像都是 100x100 并且是黑白的,导致 X 为 100.000。

我正在使用 Andrew Ng 使用 Octave 的 coursera 类(class)中的 1 个隐藏层神经网络代码。已稍作修改。

我首先对 3 个不同的组(两个多米诺骨牌,一个婴儿)进行了尝试,并且获得了接近 100% 的准确率。我现在已将其增加到 7 个不同的图像组。准确性已经下降了很多,除了婴儿照片(与多米诺骨牌有很大不同)之外,几乎没有什么是正确的。

我尝试了 10 个不同的 lambda 值、10 个介于 5-20 之间的不同神经元数量,并尝试了不同数量的迭代,并将其与成本和准确性进行了比较,以便找到最佳拟合。



% Initialization
clear ; close all; clc; more off;
pkg load image;

fprintf('Running Domino Identifier ... \n');

%iteration_vector = [100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000];
%accuracies = [];
%costs = [];

%for iterations_i = 1:length(iteration_vector)

  input_layer_size  = 10000;  % 100x100 Input Images of Digits
  hidden_layer_size = 50;   % Hidden units
  num_labels = 7;          % Number of different outputs
  iterations = 100000; % Number of iterations during training
  lambda = 0.13;
  %hidden_layer_size = hidden_layers(hidden_layers_i);
  %lambda = lambdas(lambda_i)
  %iterations = %iteration_vector(iterations_i)

  [X,y] = loadTrainingData(num_labels);
  %[X_norm, mu, sigma] = featureNormalize(X_unnormed);
  %X = X_norm;

  initial_Theta1 = randInitializeWeights(input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size);
  initial_Theta2 = randInitializeWeights(hidden_layer_size, num_labels);
  initial_nn_params = [initial_Theta1(:) ; initial_Theta2(:)];

  [J grad] = nnCostFunction(initial_nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y, lambda);

  fprintf('\nTraining Neural Network... \n')

  %  After you have completed the assignment, change the MaxIter to a larger
  %  value to see how more training helps.
  options = optimset('MaxIter', iterations);

  % Create "short hand" for the cost function to be minimized
  costFunction = @(p) nnCostFunction(p, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y, lambda);

  % Now, costFunction is a function that takes in only one argument (the
  % neural network parameters)
  [nn_params, cost] = fmincg(costFunction, initial_nn_params, options);

  % Obtain Theta1 and Theta2 back from nn_params
  Theta1 = reshape(nn_params(1:hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1)), ...
                   hidden_layer_size, (input_layer_size + 1));

  Theta2 = reshape(nn_params((1 + (hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1))):end), ...
                   num_labels, (hidden_layer_size + 1));

  displayData(Theta1(:, 2:end));
  [predictionData, images] = loadTrainingData(num_labels);
  [h2_training, pred_training] = predict(Theta1, Theta2, predictionData);
  fprintf('\nTraining Accuracy: %f\n', mean(double(pred_training' == y)) * 100);

  %if length(accuracies) > 0
  %  accuracies = [accuracies; mean(double(pred_training' == y))];
  % accuracies = [mean(double(pred_training' == y))];

  %last_cost = cost(length(cost));
  %if length(costs) > 0
  %  costs = [costs; last_cost];
  % costs = [last_cost];
%endfor % Testing samples

fprintf('Loading prediction images');
[predictionData, images] = loadPredictionData();
[h2, pred] = predict(Theta1, Theta2, predictionData)

for i = 1:length(pred)  
  displayData(predictionData(i, :));
  title (strcat(translateIndexToTile(pred(i)), " Certainty:", num2str(max(h2(i, :))*100))); 
%y = provideAnswers(im_vector);


  1. 就 X 与其他数据之间的巨大差异而言,我的数字是否“偏离”?

  2. 我应该如何改进这个神经网络?

  3. 如果我进行标准化,我是否需要在某个地方再次将数字乘回到 0-255 范围?


What should I do to improve this Neural Network?

使用多层(例如 5 层)的卷积神经网络 (CNN)。对于视觉问题,CNN 的性能大幅优于 MLP。在这里,您使用的是具有单个隐藏层的 MLP。该网络在 7 个类别的图像问题上可能表现不佳。其中一个问题是您拥有的训练数据量。一般来说,我们希望每个类至少有数百个样本。

If I do feature normalization, do I need to multiply the numbers back to the 0-255 range again somewhere?


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