python - 无法使用category_encoders的fit_transform对我的数据进行序数编码

标签 python pandas machine-learning categorical-data ordinal

我正在尝试将 category_encodersOrdinalEncoder fit_transform 到我的 data 的列之一.

    import category_encoders as ce

    # here i'm defining mapping for OrdinalEncoder
    property_ordinal_mapping_1 = [{"col":"property_type", "mapping": [('Apartment', 1),('House', 2),('Condominium', 3),
                                                                      ('Townhouse', 4),('Loft', 5),('Other', 6),
                                                                      ('Guesthouse', 7),('Bed & Breakfast', 8),
                                                                      ('Bungalow', 9),('Villa', 10),('Dorm', 11),
                                                                      ('Guest suite', 12),('Camper/RV', 13),
                                                                      ('Timeshare', 14),('Cabin', 15),('In-law', 16),
                                                                      ('Hostel', 17),('Boutique hotel', 18),('Boat', 19),
                                                                      ('Serviced apartment', 20),('Tent', 21),('Castle', 22),
                                                                      ('Vacation home', 23),('Yurt', 24),('Hut', 25),
                                                                      ('Treehouse', 26),('Chalet', 27),('Earth House', 28),
                                                                      ('Tipi', 29),('Train', 30),('Cave', 31),
                                                                      ('Casa particular', 32),('Parking Space', 33),
                                                                      ('Lighthouse', 34),('Island', 35)
    # preparing the OrdinalEncoder for fitting and transforming
    property_encoder_1 = ce.OrdinalEncoder(mapping = property_ordinal_mapping_1, return_df = True, cols=["property_type"])

df_train = property_encoder_1.fit_transform(air_cat_2)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-96-9cea1713182c> in <module>()
----> 1 df_train = property_encoder_1.fit_transform(air_cat_2)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sklearn/ in fit_transform(self, X, y, **fit_params)
    551         if y is None:
    552             # fit method of arity 1 (unsupervised transformation)
--> 553             return, **fit_params).transform(X)
    554         else:
    555             # fit method of arity 2 (supervised transformation)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/category_encoders/ in fit(self, X, y, **kwargs)
    139             cols=self.cols,
    140             handle_unknown=self.handle_unknown,
--> 141             handle_missing=self.handle_missing
    142         )
    143         self.mapping = categories

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/category_encoders/ in ordinal_encoding(X_in, mapping, cols, handle_unknown, handle_missing)
    288             for switch in mapping:
    289                 column = switch.get('col')
--> 290                 X[column] = X[column].map(switch['mapping'])
    292                 try:

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in map(self, arg, na_action)
   3380         """
   3381         new_values = super(Series, self)._map_values(
-> 3382             arg, na_action=na_action)
   3383         return self._constructor(new_values,
   3384                                  index=self.index).__finalize__(self)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _map_values(self, mapper, na_action)
   1217         # mapper is a function
-> 1218         new_values = map_f(values, mapper)
   1220         return new_values

pandas/_libs/lib.pyx in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer()

TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

sklearn.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder 也有类似的错误。


文档不正确。 映射 的语法现在有所不同。参见这里:

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