ios - 我们是否应该在应用程序启动期间每次都注册 iOS 推送通知?

标签 ios xcode

我们在我们的 iOS 应用程序中使用远程通知,我们在 application: didFinishLaunching: 委托(delegate)方法中注册到 APNS 服务器。这意味着每次应用程序重新启动时,它都会在 APNS 服务器上注册。下面是代码片段。

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications]

我们注意到设备 token (由 APNS 服务器发送给我们)每次都是相同的。 因此,我们认为我们可以将 token 保存在 NSUserDefaults 中以备后用。在 application: didFinishLaunching: 方法中,我们可以检查设备 token 是否存在于 NSUserDefaults 中。如果它可用,我们可以使用它而不是注册到 APNS。否则,我们可以选择注册 APNS。

但是,从 Apple 文档中可以看出,“他们鼓励我们在每次新启动应用程序时注册远程通知”。以下是文档的屏幕截图。

enter image description here

设备 token 值实际何时更改?我可以负担得起将设备 token 存储在 NSUserDefaults 中并在以后使用它而不是每次都注册吗?请帮忙!!提前致谢!!



The form of this phase of token trust ensures that only APNs generates the token which it will later honor, and it can assure itself that a token handed to it by a device is the same token that it previously provisioned for that particular device—and only for that device.

If the user restores backup data to a new device or reinstalls the operating system, the device token changes.

这意味着您不应该真正将 token 存储在您的 NSUserDefaults 中。

但是,如果您无论如何都想保存它,我建议将其保存在钥匙串(keychain)中。 请参阅此示例如何执行此操作: Store Device Token in Keychain


"By requesting the device token and passing it to the provider every time your application launches, you help to ensure that the provider has the current token for the device. If a user restores a backup to a device other than the one that the backup was created for (for example, the user migrates data to a new device), he or she must launch the application at least once for it to receive notifications again. If the user restores backup data to a new device or reinstalls the operating system, the device token changes. Moreover, never cache a device token and give that to your provider; always get the token from the system whenever you need it. If your application has previously registered, calling registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: results in iOS passing the device token to the delegate immediately without incurring additional overhead."

编辑: 看起来上面指向 Apple 文档的链接现在已损坏。这是一个更新的链接(感谢@Enrico Cupellini):

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