python - 了解 SciKit Learn 简历验证分数

标签 python machine-learning scikit-learn

我试图理解运行 GridSearchCV 时 cv_validation_scores 的输出。该文档没有充分解释这一点。

当我打印 grid_search.grid_scores_ 时,我会得到一个包含项目的列表,如下所示:

[mean: 0.60000, std: 0.18002, params: {'tfidf__binary': True, tfidf__ngram_range': (1, 1)....

这是有道理的。但是,当我尝试解压 grid_scores 的每个实例时,我得到:

[0] same dictionary as above, makes sense
[1] score for all folds, makes sense
[2] a list that I don't understand, that looks like, "[ 0.75        0.33333333  0.66666667]"



正如我在邮件列表上发布的那样,the documentation这一点很清楚:

grid_scores_ : list of named tuples

Contains scores for all parameter combinations in param_grid. Each entry corresponds to one parameter setting. Each named tuple has the attributes:

        parameters, a dict of parameter settings
        mean_validation_score, the mean score over the cross-validation folds
        cv_validation_scores, the list of scores for each fold


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